
Motorola Droid to Receive Android 2.2 “In the Near Future”


After Google surprised us with an earlier-than-expected roll-out of the official Froyo update for the Nexus One, we were wondering what device would be next in line to receive the upgrade to Android 2.2. For good reason, most people are speculating that it’ll be the Motorola Droid, and Motorola has come out to say that that expect Droid users to receive the update “in the near future.”

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“We’re excited to see Google’s news of the next version of the Android operating system and look forward to integrating it on our Android-based devices as it’s made available to the open source community.”

While I can’t comment on specifics, we do expect DROID by Motorola users will receive Android 2.2 as a software upgrade in the near future.”


One thing to note in that quote is that Motorola mentioned they’ll be looking forward to getting Froyo on their “devices”. Normally, I’d just chock this up to bad wording, but if you know how PR works (in any industry), you’ll know each and every one of their “official statements” are carefully crafted word for word, and letter for letter.

Still, we won’t get our hopes up too soon that their MOTOBLUR devices might see the upgrade soon, but the Motorola Droid sure is a fine candidate for seeing the upgrade turn a very near corner.

[via Slash Gear]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. after that 2.1 update, i’m not very excited about this one. i’ll stay rooted for now

  2. I think deviceS probably refers to Droid & Milestone, at least initially.

  3. I wonder if the update will include that new launcher we’ve been seeing in the pictures. I’ve been calling it “Launcher 3” because it looks kinda like Launcher 2 with a couple of added buttons. The reason why I’m wondering/hoping that it will come with the update is that I’m a little tired of the old simple app drawer launcher that’s on my Droid now.

  4. Recall, if you will, that the 2.1 update was ‘coming soon’ for several months. Just sayin’.

  5. I hope motorola’s next high end device has vanilla android on it. They’ve done a good job with the droid. It would be nice for droid 2 to stay the same and be on the front end of all updates.

  6. My hopes to receive 2.2 on my Droid soon are definitely tempered by our frustrating experience with the 2.1 Droid update, where they kept promising 2.1 and not delivering until it was like the little boy who cried wolf — you couldn’t believe anything Motorola said.

    I wish the Nexus One (or a Nexus Two) were available on Verizon (or Sprint) — I would buy one. I want quick OS updates, but personally, I don’t care for the T-Mobile or AT&T 3G networks.

    I was going to buy the EVO, as it is an impressive phone and I love the larger screen, but it ships with an outdated OS, and who knows how many months HTC will take to update the EVO to 2.2, so I dropped that plan.

    Yes, I could root and eliminate the problem of waiting on updates, and I did that on my G1, but after the novelty of rooting wore off, I found it to be a hassle, as the roms have bugs, so you have to update roms regularly. To each his own. Personally, I choose not to root my phones anymore.

  7. Well since my prediction was right that HTC Sense phones will receive 2.2 some day before the user dies. I still think that the Motorola Droid will be the second phone to get 2.2 and very soon, since its already out for my Nexus One.

  8. When I purchased my Milestone, it came with the 2.1 OS.. I don’t think Moto would seriously ignore the Droid/Milestone user-base.

  9. Moto/Verizon should do better this time on getting 2.2 to us. Hopefully they dont say anything more until they actually start pushing the update so the little “nerds” dont get in an uproar again, once the update comes I will be happy to unroot and test it out, hopefully it dont come gimped…..although Im sure tethering will be out, or charged more from Verizon.

  10. I hope this update comes out faster than the 2.1 update. It wasn’t fun waiting for 2.1

  11. Phandroid just reported Froyo may have been released prematurely. well, looks like that Moto update will be delayed before it’s even announced lol

  12. @Roentijen – download free LauncherPro from the market. It looks similar to nexus launcher but is smoother and more lightweight (it lacks 3D effects though). I’m not a big fan of homescreen replacements but this one rellay impressed me.

  13. If you don’t get an upgrade for at least 18 months (with verizon), thats how long they should keep updating these phones till. The eris came out in what, november? 6 months later and it wont be seeing any more updates (after 2.1 finally finishes rolling out) when people who got them the first day might actually have them until NEXT May? Thats insane, technology is moving way too fast.

    And about the updates, chill out and just wait for it. Why rom and bug it up for 3 additional features you didn’t actually need in the first place.

  14. Will it come sometime this year, I suspect so. My guess is that Moto might wait for Adobe to get flash sorted out and will decide on what features to disable on the droid (remember how the app drawer and multiple screens from the N1 didn’t carry over to the droid?). I have a feeling that tethering won’t make it over (there is no way Verizon will allow that to be enabled without charging for it).

  15. I will patiently wait for the 2.2 OTA for my Moto Droid. If it sucks and doesn’t have tethering (which you and I BOTH KNOW IT WON’T), then I will patiently wait for a rooted version of the same update :-)

    I feel sorry for my wife and her Eris…

  16. As for tethering, I now use PDAnet and I love it! I hope the 2.2 upgrade doesn’t take that away from me.

  17. As a Droid owner, I have no hopes in anything that Motorola says. Like many others, I was running 2.1 well before the official release on my rooted Droid. At this point, only thing i care about is when Google releases Froyo’s source code and Pete updates his Bugless Beast ROM

  18. @Mike

    Who’s to say that the Eris won’t get 2.2? I would be more surprised if it (and the Hero) didn’t get 2.2.

  19. so this means that my cliq will recive 2.2 shortly after geting 2.1

  20. I expect that the droid will receive this update much quicker this time around than the 2.1 fiasco. There are other carriers who have phones on the near horizon that will have Froyo out of the box.

    That being said, I’m still not holding my breath for this.

  21. I have to say after the farce with the 2.1 update, I have very little confidence in Motorola and even less in Verizon to give any reliable release date. I would prefer they not even announce anything until it’s ready to roll out. And if they do make an announcement, then they need to be responsible enough to explain the delays, not just say “Oops, we goofed”..

  22. hi i am unable to transfer my windows contacts to milestone , please advise any one thank you

  23. Can Motorola milestone use SKYPE?

  24. i don’t like blur. too buggy.

  25. After the 2.1 update, I don’t have the notification LED when my Droid is on the Dock.. That really pisses me off, so I hope they fixed that in the new version!

  26. All you people with the conspiracy disorder need to get your facts straight…2.2 is coming to droid in June…it’s all over the web and it’s official. Also, if verizon chooses to charge for the wifi hotspot and tethering options, it’s not like it’s impossible to tether. Lol, easytether and pdanet are still out there and they’re free if you don’t need secure websites (https). The only thing I use secure websites for is things like addons for mozilla firefox browser, and I really don’t like using it since its still pretty slow.

  27. “Soon,” is such a RELATIVE thing these days!

  28. You know, it seems like as soon as they release a new phone with a new OS version, not long after that they realease another new OS version for that phone and make the rest of android users wonder if they’ll ever get it. See, back in November when I first was introduced to android (which is when I got my DROID) it was released with the brand new 2.0. Then if even a month later I received the OTA 2.0.1 update. And that was a big deal to everyone else. Because they didn’t even release the 2.0 for everyone else yet and already the new “DROID owners” had yet another update. Then I guess they assumed the “DROID owners” would be satisfied for awhile and they went to work on the Nexus One with the 2.1 OS update. Then they finally began rolling out the 2.0.1 update to everyone else. Once the Nexus one was released with the 2.1 update the same thing started all over again. “DROID owners” were like “well hey when are we gonna get it” and it took forever untill everyone started getting it. Now already 2.2 is released for Nexus One just like when DROID was new. I’ve received the much awaited (including myself) 2.1 update

  29. You know, it seems like as soon as they release a new phone with a new OS version, not long after that they realease another new OS version for that phone and make the rest of android users wonder if they’ll ever get it. See, back in November when I first was introduced to android (which is when I got my DROID) it was released with the brand new 2.0. Then if even a month later I received the OTA 2.0.1 update. And that was a big deal to everyone else. Because they didn’t even received the 2.0 update yet and already the new “DROID owners” had yet another update. Then I guess they assumed the “DROID owners” would be satisfied for awhile and they went to work on the Nexus One with the 2.1 OS update. Then they finally began rolling out the 2.0.1 update to everyone else. Once the Nexus one was released with the 2.1 update the same thing started all over again. “DROID owners” were like “well hey when are we gonna get it” and it took forever untill everyone started getting it. Now already 2.2 is released for Nexus One just like when DROID was new. I’ve received the much awaited (including myself) 2.1 update but due to the problems I had been hearing about for DROID it I still haven’t updated from 2.0.1 to 2.1. Anyone else see this pattern and understand what I’m saying? Do you think I should just wait for the 2.2? I can wait if its worth it being more stable and has Flash.

  30. First off thank you whitefire . Second, I have had the droid since december with 2.0.1 and was ok with it. Then months later got my ota updade got 2.1 and I really didn’t knotice to much of a difference reguardless I am happy either way seeing how I just perchesed the samsung moment today from sprint and it sux. it came with android 1.5 and updadted to 2.1 riight away and it is like the droids 2.0.1. Not happy with the moment at all going back tomorrow. I’m happy with 2.1 for droid and would rather wait a while for 2.2 that be stuck with the moment.

  31. I guess the big push and anxiety over 2.2 now is because everybody wants flash, otherwise it would just be another firmware update. That will put Android a couple leaps ahead of iPhone. Although Android has already overtaken iPhone as the 2nd most popular smartphone OS (after RIM). I own and love my Moto Droid, but still think iPhone is better (minus the AT&T service).

  32. Get your 2.2 Froyo ROM for droid, with flash, wifi all tested… plus check out those benchmarks

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