
Android Port for iPhone 3G Now Ready for Download


Ah, so you have an iPhone 3G but you secretly read Phandroid every day waiting for your contract to expire so you can get a brand new Android phone? You heard that David Wang had ported it to Apple’s not-so-open phone, right? Hot on the heels of a day full of announcements sure to make any iPhone user jealous (and we don’t blame them, most of us are in the same boat waiting for Froyo), the Android port for Apple’s smartphone is now ready for public consumption. Cue Steve Jobs cringing.

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David was even nice enough to write up an install guide over at PC World for those iPhone users who want to get nasty with the green guy. You can download the necessary files there as well. I wonder why  no one wants to port iPhone OS to an Android handset? Oh wait, because you can’t.

[via Engadget]

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  1. awesome, just awesome. Well done, David!

  2. may be the only way to get Flash and firefox on an iphone

  3. @ari-free

    No no no, your not thinking big enough. This is the only way to make the iPhone useful!

  4. I can’t wait to get Froyo and Flash on my Android-powered iPhone. The one foot that Jobs has in the grave will be spinnning!!!

  5. somebody better keep an eye on mr. Wang, dont want jobs secret service/police to enter his home like mr. Chen! or maybe hell go missing! maybe someone should be watching steve…… lol

  6. Not even Android can make an Iphone nice in any shape…

  7. hahahahah the first sentence is so true for me. i check everyday to see when at&t is coming out with a new phone cuz my contract ends soon hahahah

  8. Okay, if you want an Android powered device, why not just BUY one in the first place?

    “I’m gonna buy an iPhone, then put Android on it- that’ll show Steve Jobs!”

    No it won’t. You’re still giving him his money by buying an iPhone. Why not buy a FAR superior device in terms of hardware (Evo) instead?

    If you already have one and you’re just waiting for your contract to expire to switch to Android, then I can understand. But if you really buy an iPhone right now just so you can put android on it, you are an idiot. That’s all.

  9. careful the apple SS or apple gestapo will come to your house!!

  10. It will still be lesser than a midrange android device. Low resolution and underpowered.

  11. 1.x or 2.x ?????

  12. android on any one phone isn’t going to make it vastly more powerful. But the entire ecosystem that android creates leads to much more powerful phones than what Apple can come up with.

  13. @ace, well said

  14. Did any1 of you guys go to the Engadget website to read the post there? please check out the comments! it’s hilarious!!!
    the Apple Fan-boys are freaking out talking non-sense. and Android fan-boys just giving it to them! hehehehe..

    it’s funny

  15. I bet that apple will update the iPhone roms to brick the darned things if you even think about doing this!

  16. I own a iPhone and I secretly read phandroid everyday [=

  17. I am sure Apple will attack this. I am sure it is in the terms of use that any modifications are a big no-no.

    I am with The_Omega_Man, too.

    The next software update is going to have a few very very cool upgrades that no iPhone owner can go without to get them to update. Like Sony does with the PSP – every update from the very first was released to combat people using cracked roms to play illegal copies of games.

    Apple makes a killing off App and iTunes sales. It is less the sale of the device itself as it is the commissions on content for the device that they would be concerned about.

  18. I wanna see some video reviews on it!

  19. OK..so how long before this can be put on an iPad…because I would love to make my iPad more useful…LOL

  20. @john wrote on May 21, 2010

    “Okay, if you want an Android powered device, why not just BUY one in the first place?

    “I’m gonna buy an iPhone, then put Android on it- that’ll show Steve Jobs!”

    No it won’t. You’re still giving him his money by buying an iPhone. Why not buy a FAR superior device in terms of hardware (Evo) instead?

    If you already have one and you’re just waiting for your contract to expire to switch to Android, then I can understand. But if you really buy an iPhone right now just so you can put android on it, you are an idiot. That’s all.”

    You may be correct for some, but I believe a vast majority of us have already learned our lessons from Apple and want to get back at steve jobs for wasting our time and money, so granted, we might be idiots for owning a iphone or touch at one point in our lives, that doesn’t mean we don’t deserve to pay steve jobs back by turning our useless paper-weights into anti-apple propaganda- the way I see this is, dual boot my old iphone with android so I can prove to the masses and steve jobs that his hardware is at least capable of being useful- and its also fun to mess with proprietary hardware/software just to rub it in steve jobs nose

  21. I think that HTC will continue to make great phones,if apple where more open what i think would be great would be an HTC desire, legend or others being capable of running apple and android interchangeable weekly, monthly or the like.the fact is that HTC have great ideas even separate from Google. No one has ever forced i phones onto anyone we all have the power of choice my choice is HTC who i believe know how humans work more than Nokia, apple and google together

  22. yo does anyone know if this can be done on an ipod touch as well?


  23. can u get android on the samsung impression too?

  24. No thanks. That’s like running Vista on a Mac…

  25. Win are u going to make android for iPhone 3GS
    I would like to try it out think u

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