
O2 UK Begins Carrying HTC Desire


If you’re still looking to get your hands on the hottest Android handset currently wowing its way around the UK, O2 subscribers rejoice, as the HTC Desire is now available for order online or in stores. You can pick one up at no charge with an unlimited data plan with at least 600 voice minutes priced at £40 or higher on an 18-month contract. If you’d rather get the £30 per month plan you’ll have to shell out £99 for the phone itself.


Act quickly if you want this one, as the Desire is prone to sell outs.

[via MobileBurn]

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  1. A month late, plans are more expensive and you get less on them. Niiice.

  2. that’s only $50/month is that on top of a voice plan?

  3. I agree with ilh.

    T-Mo UK is the best :)

  4. Elijahblake: no that is all in, but don’t be fooled unlimited data in the UK is anything but, normally a 500mb – 1gb cap!

  5. @alun
    Unlimited is never 500MB, if its 500MB it is clearly stated at such.
    Some unlimited is 1GB but most is 3GB plus, which really isn’t too shabby.

  6. I just got the Desire 2 days ago,and its truly amazing,wow.HTC has raised the bar on smartphones

  7. Some of you want to more morecare with your plans,got my desire this morning,on virgin mobile.£25 a month,18 month contract,600mins,3000texts,full internet and free phone.yes!

  8. My desire,£25 a month,18 months contract,600 mins,3000 texts,full internet,on virgin mobile,check it out!

  9. i have had a G1 and since that dissapointed me I switched to the iPhone for the last year. I hate lag and the G1 just wasnt finished even though I wanted android. Now I bought myself a Desire 3 Days ago and this Phone is AWESOME!!! It beats the snot out of the iPhone, screw you apple, finally we can get a fast, no lag, smartphone experience without being forced to swallow apples concepts and “rules”.

  10. @G8D: Not quite. Well, maybe now, but Vodafone used to sell their 500mb Internet as “Unlimited” – indeed, that’s what it says in my contract still (albeit with the Fair Usage policy stating 500mb).

  11. FYI Your linked HTC Desire page still classifies this phone as a rumour and specs are all question marks. Would be great if you could update that.

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