
No Hope for CDMA: Nexus One Will Not Come to Sprint


With the HTC Droid Incredible, Verizon nixed the Nexus One from its upcoming phone line-up. Now Sprint is following suit (contrary to what they had us believe), citing the HTC EVO 4G as reason enough to not bother with bringing the Nexus One to its wavelengths either, according to a report over at Gizmodo. With this announcment, all hope for a CDMA Nexus One on a U.S. carrier has gone out the window.

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Sure, the Incredible and EVO 4G are both perfectly good — if not better in many respescts — replacements for Google’s flagship handset, but you have to wonder what this spells for the Google Phone and its future. Is it that Google has found the Nexus One to be a failed (yet profitable) experiment? Could it actually be that a Nexus Two is closer to launch then we could believe? Perhaps Google wants to step back and re-evaluate its distribution and customer service models before venturing further into the smart phone market?

Your guess is as good as mine with this one, but one thing we can now say as fact is if you were waiting for an N1 on Sprint, you better start getting excited about the EVO 4G, because that will be all you are getting for now.

[via Gizmodo]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Not surprising really.

  2. Good, for better or worse this phone did not change the landscape of our ideas of cell phones and carriers. It was like just about any other phone, except harder to actually get, and also took away the customer’s ability to see or handle it first, and took away customer service pretty much too.

  3. Like it or not Verizon has the Incredible and Sprint soon to have the Evo, why would they get another phone to compete with their new Android phones???

    Sprint needs to get the EVO on the shelves soon

  4. i honestly believe that google’s plan from the start was to show what android was capable of and put android on the map. After the nexus one, a BUNCH of android phones were announced. Also, isnt it funny that we all wait for verizon’s nexus one, and when the incredible comes out they tell everyone to buy that. And now when the Evo 4G is about to come out, they tell everyone that sprint will not get the N1. coincidence, i think NOT.
    To them its all about pushing android and these two phones are very good android phones.

  5. Fine with me! Just makes the Nexus One a rare phone in my opinion. Google got this device out to show the world what Android can do. Google also gave away lots of free nexus One’s to android app devs! Smart move!!

    Android 2.2 coming to a Nexus One near you! :D

  6. So much for pioneering the “unlocked” realm. I really hoped that contract requirements would go away in time, but it seems that was a failed attempt to change this death cycle.

  7. umm my sprint account rep definitely said that there has been a sprint nexus one for a while…

  8. iam so mad rite now

  9. disappointing.

    i’m 95% sure that I’ll pick up the HTC Evo next month, I’d still like the option to see the differences and have quality product choice. Offering the i1/Hero/Moment up against Evo isn’t going to hold any ground. Since I have yet to physically see and hold the Evo, I’m concerned about its dimensions and weight (the crappy ill-proportioned Sprint video didn’t help either). I might find it not to be a good fit for me but still want an high-end alternative. Its not like there’s an iPhone or WP7 devices to go up against Android offerings. And the native OS is a compelling feature for the N1 too. Sprint should want to keep the customer making a selection in their network rather than encouraging the customer to open consideration of other high-end smartphones in the marketplace (i.e. iPhone, Incredible, Droid, Galaxy, etc.).

    I still wouldn’t be surprised if Sprint decides to carry this product. I’m hoping Sprint has refocused and is better understanding the marketplace.

  10. I read the Gizmodo story and find myself parsing the meaning. “Sprint says it will not be selling the nexus one”. Well, I never expected them to sell it, because tmobile and ATT don’t sell it either. Meanwhile: A) The “nexus one availability on Sprint” press release is still on their site and B) the nexus one device is still on their developer site. What I want to know is if they will allow a CDMA version on their network? I don’t want the EVO because it is too big. I swear, I am going to pick up a used Hero cheap and call it good, despite a screen smaller than my liking. Nexus One would have been just right.

  11. mostly disappointed because now, it seems, no matter what we’re stuck with whatever proprietary user interfaces manufacturers think the lowest common denominator will like. Having been disappointed by Verizon and now Sprint, I’m trying to get excited about the EVO. I don’t care for sense UI at all, but it seems now there is no choice. At least its not that Samsung UI that looks just like the iphone OS. Sense, of course, looks like winmo. Frack.. I just wanted Android. That’s all I wanted. I hate you, HTC.

  12. WHO CARES?


  13. Makes sense on HTCs part. Why would they sell 2 similar devices on the same carrier? Made sense for tmo and att because they didnt have a killer android phone.

  14. I look at it this way. N1 was the first (I think) Android phone with a GHz Snapdragon processor, and Android 2.1. Because it existed, manufacturers – including HTC – knew that if they didn’t up the specs of their own phones, if they didn’t make new phones that could equal if not surpass the power and functionality of the N1, people would just buy the N1, since it was available anyway. So Google created a little pressure behind the phone makers and (in the USA) carriers who were looking for new phones to get. N1 has done its job – the top Android phones in the market are specs that can beat the N1 (save for the easily updating of the OS in the N1). To me, that’s great. Do you really think, if Google had not made the N1, that the specs of Androids would have improved so fast?

  15. Google is going aster the largest market they can and thats by far the GSM {AT&T and TMobile} market. Nexus One is available on AT&T, Rogers, Telus, T-Mobole and Vodaphone reaching a potential 680 million customers. A CDMA version of the Nexus One would reach a maximum potential customer pool of 145 million. This is why Verizon ans Sprint haven’t gotten the best phones on the market historically. Nexus One is not a failure in any stretch for two reasons, First it is profitable and not a loss for googles bottom line and second it is the standard Android platform for developers to use to test there software.

  16. so i guess this makes the Nexus One a Tmobile Exclusive… For the MOST part

  17. I was already planning on getting the Evo instead of the N1 anyways…awesome specs, great design, sense UI, and 4G (both where I live now and where I am about to move to)…heck ya!

    Ill probably have it day one in fact :D ready to get rid of my aging G1

  18. i really wish the phone companies and cell providers would get out of the same bed. i want to buy a phone, and CHOOSE my carrier, not the other way around. theifs!!!!

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