
US Cellular Adds Samsung Acclaim To Their Android Line-Up


US Cellular jumped into the Android party when they came clean and admitted they’d be getting the HTC Desire (which was leaked via a rebate form featuring the Desire as one of the eligible devices). At that time, they announced that they had another Android device in the pipeline, as well, and that they’d let their customers (potential or existing) uncover the device in similar fashion.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


Nothing gets past a crazed Android fan, though, which is why they figured out that the Samsung R880 was indeed an Android-based phone (now named the Samsung Acclaim) and is now officially headed to US Cellular. It’ll be a 3.2-inch mid-range device with Android 2.1 and a full qwerty keyboard. According to Android And Me, the Acclaim is very similar to the Samsung Moment in design and hardware (but, to the dismay of many Moment owners at this time,  not software).

We’ll keep you guys posted when US Cellular decides to pull up the curtains on their remaining Android developments throughout 2010.

[US Cellular Facebook]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. is US cellular CDMA?

  2. yes they are

  3. yup. they use similar frequencies to verizon

  4. damn, that sucks..
    I was hoping I’d be able get a desire an unlock it

  5. do you know when they will be released?

  6. End of July was the only info I could get out of a US Cellular tech today

  7. I bought this cell and oh my…… U can’t copy and paste, forward text messages only to email, and can’t save any of ur picture messages, or forward them at all. I spoke with the corporate office in muskogee ok, the us cellular support, and samsung.com service tech. I was glad to take cell back and get a refund. I am sticking with my Blackberry!

  8. Funny, coz I can do all those things with the Acclaim from US Cellular… oh and their corporate offices are in Chicago not Oklahoma…

  9. Cythrawl: I have the Acclaim from US Cellular. How do you Forward and Save pic message? thanks

  10. Yes I would also like to know how to save picturs from pic mail that people send me

  11. Touch and hold the picture or text until a menu comes up with option to save, forward, etc.

  12. How do you paste with the samsung acclaim from US Cellular?

  13. @linnyg

    Touching and holding the picture does give you a few options, but saving it isn’t one of them. The same could be said for sound files sent via messaging. If anyone could provide further information on how to save, I would greatly appreciate it.

  14. @linnyg & myself even
    I apologize for saying you were incorrect. I just tried that again and it worked for me this time. It has never given me the option before. This time, however there were lots more options when I held down on the picture. One of them being “save attachemtn to sd card”. Maybe the trick is that I was still in the message instead of actually selecting the picture and then holding down on it. If you try staying in the message where it shows the picture with all of the texts, you can hold down there and it will give you the option I assume. Like I said, I have tried this many times, but I can’t be sure that I was doing it in this particular way. Now that I proved myself wrong, anyway. lol.

  15. Just bought the samsung acclaim. I need to be able to sync it with my outlook contacts and calendar. Help! Would love to figure this out myself and not bother tech support at my office!

  16. I have the Samsung Acclaim and cannot figure out how to save my photos to my SD Card. I can save the ones from my messages but not the pics I take with the phone. Can anyone help me?

  17. Thank you so Michael for all the information it work perfectly! I did everything I wanted! You Rock. One more Question. How do I get the ringtone to stop saying the person name that is calling?

  18. Has anyone figured out how to sync the acclaim with outlook email?

  19. with the acclaim can u set individual ringtones for texts? cuz all i have is the default ones that came with the phone. lol this phone confuses me!!

  20. I am trying to forward messages and things within them. I can get to the menu by pressing on the screen. My problem is that I want to forward to my contacts in my phone. Most of the people that come up only forward to their emails. I want to have my phone contacts come up. I have tried to unsync facebook and some other things but I cant get all my phone contacts. Some are phone contacts and some only have their emails and not phone number to forward to. I’m sure its something I am not doing.
    Thank you

  21. I am new to the Samsung Acclaim cellphone world. I had a new ringtone sent to my phone and I cannot figure out how to save it so that I can use it as a ringtone. thanks

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