
Google Updates Mobile Search Page for Android


If you have done any Googling on your phone as of late, you may have noticed that the Google Search page looks a little different. Along with its computer-based search page, Google has revamped its mobile little brother with a few new features for Android and iPhone. A menu can now be expanded by clicking the arrow next to the search dialog to reveal several options for refining results.


You can now filter results by date to help narrow down relevant information. There are also options to sort results as News, Products, or Updates. The features are aimed at helping users quickly access current or specific information without having to click through outdated or irrelevant resources.

For now this is the only change you should see, but Google plans to add more options and categories to help with refining searches in the future.

[via Google Mobile Blog]

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  1. just keep’s getting better and better for android users

  2. is this only for the stock browser? Opera Mini doesn’t bring this up.

  3. The image site has a better UI and layout as well

  4. it works on dolphin web browser and the stand android browser. the google search widget doesnt use it. but up can filter result with the “option” button the top right.

  5. Morons… Everybody is getting this.. Android is not special…

  6. Good update to Google :D

  7. I don’t have the update on the desktop or the mobile. :( (Norway)

  8. I don’t get it on my Desire (orange uk, stock browser).

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