
Samsung Gives Majority of New Smartphones to Android


Samsung, the world’s number 2 mobile phone maker, announced earlier today that moving forward, 50 percent of their new smartphone offerings would employ Android as their operating system of choice. The other 50 percent is split between their own bada OS and at least one more unnamed operating system, according to a report by Reuters.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


We’ve been hearing murmurs of new Android offerings from Samsung, and of course there is the much anticipated Galaxy S coming this summer, but with this news we can expect to see many more coming down the pipeline. In a move not related to their mobile phones, there is also some indication Samsung will even get Android up and running on a television or two in the near future.

Sounds like Samsung is putting a lot of stock into Google’s open source OS. If the Galaxy S turns out as good as it looks on paper, I’ll welcome more Samsung Android handsets with open arms.

[Reuters via IntoMobile]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Since Samsung has got all the Android source code, and Android basically is as good as any mobile phone OS can get, Samsung can basically just invest nearly fully in Android and thus feed any innovation, any new features, any customizations and optimizations that they would like to have, they can just add it to their flavor of the Android OS.

    As each manufacturer is free to take the Android source code and customize it as they wish.

  2. Is the Galaxy S really coming to AT&T? I’m so sick of waiting on a good android phone damnit…

  3. Are you sure that is not an iPhone?

  4. About Samy TV running under Android, they are already running Linux … so it is almost a matter of creating APK for IHM replacing the bulky existing program.

    Not much complicate for talented persons as they might got ;-)

    About Samsung Galaxy S and any further Android phones, Samsung must realy take care of its user community. Not giving major OS update is a failure in their brand model.

    By the way, Kudos to Drakaz for GAOSP which is about to bring with few ressources (but lot of efforts) what Samsung (with lot of ressources, but no effort) has failed to provide to its customer.

  5. I’m excited about the Samsung Galaxy S. I currently have a Moment, which was a good Android start for us (I work for Samsung as Social Media Manager), but the Galaxy S is going to be an amazing device and unlike anything on the Android OS. The screen alone is awesome. Anyways, thanks for the coverage!

  6. As to thee Galaxy S, what if they do something similar th the Incredible and lock you to TouchWiz? Sense is awesome, maybe should have alternatives, but not bad. TouchWiz, however, is awful on everything from the original Omnia on WinMo to the Omnia HD on Symbian to the Rogue on VZW-OS to the Moment on Android. It screws up every OS, and the fact that it is possible for an OEM to lock a phone to their interface… kind of scares me.

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