
I Broke My Nexus One [VIDEO]!


We already showed you 4 Google Sponsored YouTube videos promoting the Nexus One but the fifth – titled I Broke My Nexus One – may be the best of all if you’re seeking a laugh:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Go Neckasys Wun!!!!!!!!

In all honesty it seems like the YouTuber (NigaHiga) – the most subscribed to of all YouTuber’s – truly did break the phone. At least that’s what the video comments say:

Probably one of the first people to break a Nexus One. I was about halfway through filming when this happened. The phone is now slightly cracked and doesn’t always turn on. I feel sick…

What’s worse… that or a cracked Droid screen? Hmmm.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. That really sucks!

  2. At least he did it on cam, he probably really did break it. I’m sure Google is sending him a new one though…. not that he can’t afford one

  3. I would cry, a lot. Hell, I think I would get sick if I broke my G1, much less the Nexus One.

  4. I’d rather break my gf’s hymen before I break a nexus one.. Scratch that.. I’d break a windows mobile phone, then my gf’s hymen, THEN .. dear God, do I have to say it?

  5. Ehm… Its obviously a commercial sponsored by google, even if he broke the phone I assume google would hand him over a new one the same second. Am i missing something?

    Anyway, funny video, and I guess thats the main reason for this post :).

  6. @jo

    Lol. But you spelled “hymen” wrong!

  7. Funniest part of the video is the first 4 secs.

  8. Oww, that’s an expensive commercial. Hope Niga gets a free phone now.

  9. @jo maybe I’m missing your logic here, but wouldn’t you Want to break your girlfriends “hymen” (as you put it).

    I think usually the verbiage would go something like this:
    “I’d rather (insert something very unpleasant here, say for example, slam your sack in a door or old window) than break my nexus one.”

    WTF… if you don’t want to break her “hymen” I’ll f***ing do it.

  10. Can your phone do this *touch screen* weeee lol

  11. Wow, there really is no accounting for taste if that guy has the most subscribers on YouTube.

  12. lol that was awesome
    .. can I get the broken one ? :P

  13. That dude is so stupid its unbalivable, Nexus one is superb phone period.

  14. this vid wasnt that good but you people wondering why he is the most subscribed check out some of his other vids

  15. This is not very funny to someone like myself whose Nexus One broke on day 2… I suspect we’re going to hear a lot of stories soon about broken Nexus Ones and cracked screens. I didn’t even drop my phone and the internal LED screen cracked, subsequently becoming unusable. I think HTC botched this one.

  16. Peter wrote on January 12, 2010
    That sucks…sorry:(

    Glad the Droid has Gorilla Glass.

  17. @destardi You’ve got that right. Dropped mine a third of the way down a wooden staircase. No damage. Well a scuff on the left-side casing but that’s it.

  18. When i did a video on the Nexus One on youtube Channel i almost dropped it in the water. The phone is a bit slippery. One guy asked me on my comment page how i liked it, and i said Get a Case or Sleeve cause the phone is slippery. i Will be getting a Sleeve very soon. Harvey

  19. Chocolate Chip Phone, Blueberry, Icephone rofl!

  20. he said purple instead of yellow, lol

  21. its not something to be proud of you dumb shit.. that you broke your nexus one.. that just shows how careless you are..

  22. Well, in the fourth day of having it, I accidentally dropped my Motorola Milestone from a height of 1.5 meters into a stone floor. The phone is working without a hiccup. There are no signs of the drop, not even a faint one. When it fell, my heart almost stopped…

  23. Hello, I have a one question of my nexus one. My question is, what i do for repair my screen cracked, the screen is working and has 100% sensibility, but is cracked and is ugly, and what is the price of a new glass screen for my nexus. Please answer me in my email. Very, very thanks!!!!

  24. i like comedy that is why i always look for funny videos on metacafe and youtube~.-

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