
MyTouch Fender Edition Finally Coming January 20th?


t-mobile-mytouch-fender-back-ofcIf you’re music-loving MyTouch fan you may have been really excited by the Fender Edition of the phone that was first announced in October.

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You were probably disappointed when it never saw the light of day and also probably forgot about it by now. Don’t get your hopes up just yet but a TMOnews tipster is suggesting a January 20th launch date is in order.

How much will it cost and does anybody care? I’m guessing guitar geeks will appreciate this one a whole lot… but what the heck took so long? Here is the leaked document which supposedly explains what comes with the special edition device:


Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Double twist should create an app for all Android phones.

  2. hmmm. i always liked the mytouch but the lack of the 3.5mm headjack and the coming of new phones turned me away. if they boosted the rom/ram, and maybe the processor speed, then i might have to get one…

  3. So the only differences on this are those 6 points? wow…. Pitiful maybe if by exclusive media content they mean prepacked with 2.1 then cool.

  4. 32a? 32b? 32c?

  5. As a current Magic user, to think that they are going to re-release the same phone with the same processor and some media additions makes me wonder what these people think when creating a product.

    My phone is very laggy at times, coming out of an app sometimes (30-40% of the time)results in a blank home screen which comes back after about 30 secs but do i care? no, because its nearly a year old now and i really like the fact that i’m spreading the Android word in the UK. I just hope no one buys this as it is a year late to the market, go get N1

  6. Stupid, I see this phone costing a lot less in a few month

  7. I just got the MyTouch 3G Fender Edition yesterday, when i tried to mount it with my computer it would not recognize it as a removable drive. I had the G1 before and it mounted just fine. Is there somewhere i can go and download the correct drive for it. Thanks, email me with any suggestions.

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