
Verizon HTC Desire With Sense UI


2, 4, 6, 8 – HTC is looking great. Desire. Desire. Gooooooooo DESIRE! *looks around awkwardly* … Excuse me while I ban myself from my own website.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Seriously though, folks waiting on Verizon Android Phones have another reason to celebrate as a BGR tipster has pointed out the HTC Desire is headed to Big Red very soon. It runs the manufacturers custom build of Android – HTC Sense – atop an extremely quick piece of hardware that closely resembles the Sprint HTC Hero.


This isn’t the first we’ve heard of this phone – it was spotted in Verizon’s internal inventory system way back on September 1st, gained FCC and Wi-Fi approval September 28th, and then we talked about it possibly being the Verizon HTC Hero about two weeks ago. And now? Well now things are really looking up… so long as I don’t include any lame ass cheers that make me look like a complete fool.

FYI this post is dedicated to NaShanta, Anthony and Karen.

[Thanks Raji!]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. I really like this Desire Phone. Now when will it be for sale and since it is HTC branded and not Google branded, what are the advantages of each or pitfalls.

  2. can we get a chart here with phone spec comparisons?

  3. finally!! I just wanna know more about this phone. I am leaning more towards this one than the droid.. I dont need or want a keyboard of motorola product!! I really hope to see this phone out with a quickness. Many more pictures please and all the specs on this new jewel.

  4. @yoaj

    Notice the ‘Phones’ link at the top of the page… It looks like Rob just did some reshuffling to get the available/upcoming/rumored organization right. Hopefully, the specs are up-to-date as well.

  5. great request yoaj. If the Droid and this phone don’t hit the VZW store at the same time I’m really going to be gun shy. Even if someone does a quick side by side picture and chart with the Hero and the Droid (when phandroid or BGR get their hands on the Droid) it’s going to help big time. After I played with a Hero at a Sprint Store I thought for sure that I would be waiting for HTC’s offering to Verizon. But after what BGR said about the Droid I’m back to square one.

  6. with as many android devices hitting the fan at a staccato pace, i think i’m goin’ to sit back and let the waves hit the jetty for a little while.

    t-mo has yet to wake up and smell the coffee and offer a wifi calling android.

    sprint has airave and hero.

    verizon has droid, desire and network extender.

    so it looks like i got some time to let the dust settle a bit out here in no coverage land.

    after xmas sale time is looking bright to me.

    only thing that makes me very hesitant is t-mo’s customer service.

    talking to sprint or verizon customer care is like talking to my deaf 14 year old sheltie.

  7. Verizon took their time but they are definitely doing it right so far. Their first two Android devices are pretty damn sexy.

  8. Well is the the Desire or the Tattoo? I really really hope that it is the Desire!!!!!

  9. @david- use google images to search for the htc desire and you will see its more than likely the desire :)

  10. who gives a shit? DROID!!!!!

  11. Christ Almighty! I pay several hundred dollars to buy out the sprint contract my wife and i had so we could hop on board the G1 train as TMO was bursting forth with the Andorid revolution. A year later all they’ve added are two new phones, 1 with a decent screen but pathetic capabilities, the other with decent capabilities but a miniature screen and amateur design. (and the forthcoming, uninspiring galaxy?) Meanwhile ALL of their competition is putting out exciting, thoughtful, capable Android devices. TMO needs to dish out snapdragon QUICK or Im out!!!

  12. I Think this is gonna be a better phone i hate slide out keyboards i just wish they would release more specs on this

  13. Here’s a slightly better version of the picture. The brightness and contrast were tweaked a bit so you can see it better, including the hardware buttons and trackball at the bottom. It’s definitely the phone the Google CEO was pictured as holding at the Verizon press conference. Whether or not it’s the Desire, Passion, or Predator remains to be seen, but I’m guess that since the Desire name showed up in inventory databases a while back, that’s what it will be called.

  14. I don’t know but IMO, I really think this phone will become extremely popular really fast and will outsell the Droid. I wish I knew the specs on this p.y.t. so that I could make a decision already..(sigh)

  15. Anyone want to take a stab at cost? Unsubsidized of course. I’ll guess it’s $500, maybe $600

  16. looks more like the european Magic if you ask me. with the metal keys. probably is, just a new CDMA radio

  17. It is releasing on Nov 6th for $99 with 2 yr contract. I am in love with this phone. I just hope they launch with Android 2.0 or at least allow to upgrade to it later.

  18. I love dedicated keys, and I really love when they’re not touch keys but real physical press and click keys. Touch is great for a lot of things and very flexible, but not for every single function. I also like a dedicated volume control and a dedicated power/lock button. I just don’t see any possible negatives to having those. If you want to duplicate those functions with touch as well, that’s fine, but give me my buttons.

    Hopefully this one can live up to the expectation of the users: More: http://bit.ly/htc-desire-nexus-on-steroids

  19. I thought this phone was going to be with AT&T? AT&T sucks! They can’t even get the good Android phones. I was hoping this phone would be supplied by AT&T. Maybe I need to switch providers…a shame because I have a great plan that I got 7 years ago. Oh well.

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