
Google Is The New Oprah, Donut, ADC2 & More at Google IO!


After hearing 8 different speakers talk about upcoming Google developments, product launches and services ranging from Chrome’s support of HTML5 to embeddable Web Elements, we were kind of wondering where all the Android? They merely saved the best for last as Romain Guy, Android Software Engineer, stepped up to talk about our shared passion.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

First he talked about Android Donut, the development branch following in the footsteps of Cupcake. And then… I’m not sure you’ll believe this…

That’s right folks. We’ve been waiting WAY too long for ADC2 but looky looky it is HERE! Submissions through August, winner announced at the end of Fall and looks like Google is the new American Idol… User Voting is now part of the judging process!

YOU get a phone and YOU get a phone and YOU get a phone
Scratch American Idol… Google is the new Oprah. Everyone who attended Google IO gets a free unlocked Android Phone with 30 days free data. Are you freaking kidding me? Now I just feel terrible I couldn’t be there – surely would have given this away to a Phandroid reader or AndroidForums member. Dangit. That is 4,000 Android Phones they just gave away with the instructions for developers to GO DEVELOP!

Don’t Miss Tomorrow’s Keynote
That is the advice they finished up with. Hey parents: Ear muffs, or eye muffs or blindfolds or whatever you gotta do because I can’t hold this in any longer. HOLY CRAP!

Exciting times! Too bad they didn’t announce a teleporter because I wish I was in San Francisco right now.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

Google IO Starts NOW!

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Android Developer Challenge 2 (ADC2)

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  1. hhhhhhhhhhhh
    american idol and oprah now thats just funny
    damn i wish i was there
    soo did they say anything about multi touch what did they say about donut

  2. I’m in San Francisco A BLOCK AND A HALF AWAY from the convention center, sitting in my office like a chump. I’m so friggen’ bummed I couldn’t be there today.

  3. Who the hell is Oprah Winfrey ?

  4. I wonder what kind of phones they are giving away? Just the regular ADP1? or maybe a Magic or i7500…. hmmm, whatever they gave away I am definitely now even more bummed that i couldn’t be there

  5. Haha I laughed so hard at the YOU get a phone thing.
    Sucks you couldn’t be there. :(
    But I wonder what the next days bring.

  6. The phone they got was called the ION, see here…;txt

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