
Android Metal Detector


The built-in compass on your T-Mobile G1 isn’t ONLY good for pinpoiting your location… you can also use it as a metal detector to find your keys!

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Unfortunately you’ll have to already know where your keys are in order to find them since this little “metal detector” app only works if you basically push your phone against the keys to begin with. But its neat to see that this capability even exists… could it be exploited for practical use? Potentially, if hardware that accentuates various features like this is produced.

Pretty neat. Pointless… but neat. And also, I’m digging the epic soundtrack.

[NOTE: You don’t need to watch any more than 1 minute of this video. They just continue to put the same keys underneath the G1 for 1 minute straight yielding the exact same results. Please Paypal me $1 as I just saved you at least a minute of your life and I know you probably make like $60/hr so yeah. Hook it up.]

[Via AndroidGuys]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. I was able to detect metal studs under plasterboard, for better shelf mounting. Used GPS Status app for this, Metal Detector was released 2 days after my post at xda-developers. Coincidence? :) Good app, anyway.


  2. I’m the author of Tricorder for Android… you might want to give it a try. I’ve had people detecting pins in bones with it. (Really.)

  3. QR code for this sure would have been handy…

  4. since when has the redesigned G1 been out? I don’t ever remember it being released. I was under the impression that it would only be available in Europe but don’t remember hearing an announcement that you could buy it yet.

  5. you can turn up the sensitivy in settings and it works further away

  6. Fun app, I had no idea that the phone had this ability, and I want to know more of how it work. I’m guessing electromagnetic fields?

    I’m not sure of the usefulness of the app in the real world, but it’s something to make iPhone peeps jealous :-P

  7. This app really does work. I didn’t believe it at first myself but it can find the screws in my foot through my shoes. Really neat concept, kind of creepy but a worthy addition to the Android.

  8. i just got the samsung moment. it you increase the setting to 7 makes a great body want. i “swept” a buddy picked up is phone, keys, rod in his leg!!!! cool!

  9. There is a paid one on the market as well, that works even better.

  10. This app detected the bullet I have lodged in my back! Good way to win a bet.

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