
Chipotle teams up with Postmates to deliver foil-wrapped heaven straight to your door


Chipotle ride

Chipotle is arguably one of the greatest inventions of modern day times. Not the sauce, mind you. We’re talking about that fine eatery that serves up piping fresh Mexican-esque food by the pound. Until Chipotles start popping up on every street corner with a drive-thru window, they’re not exactly the most convenient place to grab a quick bite.

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Anyone stuck at work or watching the kids, like us, has probably dreamed of the day Chipotle would make home deliveries. Well, that time is now. During their Q1 2015 earnings call, Chipotle officially revealed that they’ve teamed up with anything-delivery service (food, household goods, etc.) Postmates to hand deliver those wonderful custom built burritos/bowls/tacos straight to your door.

Online and mobile deliveries are already taking place in 67 different cities where Postmates currently operates, although it apparently caps delivery costs to around $5 to $8 depending on distance. At $10 for a decked out burrito alone, you could be paying almost double just to have it delivered to your couch.

In either case, you may want to sign up for a Postmates, even if it’s not available in your city quite yet. With over $500,000 worth of Chipotle orders already delivered, it’s clear someone out there is buying.

[Re/code] via The New York Times]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Tried their food a couple of times, not a fan. I’ll stick to one of the many mom and pop Mexican eateries in my area.

    1. That has it’s place as well – and I know as I live in SoCal. But the only similarities between the 2 is the wording “mexican food” other than that those establishments are nothing alike.

  2. Chipotle is great for vegans like me : )

    1. Great for vegetarians like me. Pricey, but clean clean & reliable food. It is one of my goto places. However, I would never pay $15-$18 for a burrito to be delivered unless it came with nekked girls.

      1. burritos delivered by naked girls are great for vagitarians like me.

  3. Qdoba is better..

  4. Pancheros is much better. Of course I’m biased though because that is all I ate pretty much for 4 years of college.

  5. first delivery is free with promo code “e954”

  6. That girl can ride! #dirtythoughts

  7. Man, too bad it’s not available in Canada.

  8. And you couldn’t do this before with Postmates…?

  9. Ugh you used to be sooo good Chipotle! Now your serving sizes are shrinking while your prices are growing :-(

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