
6 Paranoid Android developers will be the muscle behind OnePlus One’s OxygenOS ROM



OnePlus has been making a lot of noise about OxygenOS, the official ROM for the OnePlus One that they’re looking to introduce sometime soon. We were told to expect to hear a lot more on February 12th, and unless my calendar is wrong we’ve reached that day.

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The news right now? We know how the team shapes up. The biggest highlight is that they’ve hired 6 developers behind the popular Paranoid Android ROM. Paranoid Android delivered many interesting and unique features over the years such as PIE, a gesture-based control system that allows you to navigate the operating system without needing a row of back, home and recent apps icons taking up the bottom of the display.

oxygenos oneplus one

It’s that sort of ingenuity OnePlus wants to bring to their own ROM. Other notable members grinding the gears at OnePlus’s software team include an ex-Microsoft developer named Helen. She will serve as the head of the development team and oversee all efforts to get this ROM in tip-top shape. Other notables include Arz, Paranoid Android’s UX designer, and other key members responsible for Paranoid Android as we know it.

It certainly sounds like a solid team of individuals (many more are involved but haven’t been named), so we’ll be expecting a ROM worthy of supplanting CyanogenMod as the de-facto software experience for the OnePlus One.

Speaking of which, we’re told that OxygenOS will be available as a download from OnePlus’s forums and available to flash on any OnePlus One handset without voiding the warranty. When asked about an OTA process for the ROM the company didn’t have anything to share. It sounds like CyanogenMod will remain the standard operating system delivered over-the-air for the foreseeable future.

As for the delivery schedule for OxygenOS, the OnePlus team says they decided to wait until they considered the build stable so as to not burden you with a potentially buggy experience. That doesn’t mean there will never be a public beta of the ROM in the future, but for now we’ll just have to wait until the timer on the oven expires.

Thankfully they have already decided on a stable build recently and it’s currently in the testing and certification process. “Soon” is its arrival schedule, and barring any fatal bugs it shouldn’t be a long wait at all.

Unfortunately that’s about as much as we know at the current moment. OnePlus didn’t have any early previews or screenshots to share, nor did they give us any information about key features of the ROM.

There will be an Ask Me Anything session with the aforementioned PA team members over at the Android SubReddit at 8AM Pacific later today, so we’re bound to learn a lot more then. Sit tight while we look to dig for more!

[via OnePlus]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. PA>CM

  2. Great News, I don’t mind CM but If their goal is bring faster updates with features and no bloats I’m all for it.

    Can’t wait for the 1+3

  3. I liked PA on my G2, but they quit updating it for a while until Lollipop was released, but I had my Nexus by then. great ROM. I think 1+1 might have something good in the works all of the sudden….

  4. I am guessing it will be reasonable to think that Oxygen will be released with the announcement of OnePlus Two. So for everyone that expecting it to arrive sooner should wait at least 3-4 months for stable version.

    I am hopping that Oxygen would be clean rom as nexuses are for fast updates. but i wouldn’t mind a little tweaks here and there. As long as they can deliver fast updates.

    1. Speaking of a ‘clean ROM’… It’s kind of funny how OP announced last week that they made new partnerships with SwiftKey and MaxxAudio to include them in the CM11S OTA, then they say today that they’re announcing a ROM without bloatware.

      1. I know they are, but i wouldnt consider them as bloatwear if the OS is relying on them as being the main apps….is that the wrong way of thinking??

        1. Swiftkey would be considered bloatware since the OS already ships with a keyboard. It’s not about if people like it or not, but about a keyboard already being present in the default OS. The Maxxaudio partnership is not bloatware as it’s baked into the standard AudioFX app. It’s more of an enhancement.

          1. that is how i was actually viewing both….I like Swiftkey better than stock. I thought they were going with Swiftkey as the main “baked in” keyboard for what they think to be better? maybe its more of an opinion on my part

          2. Baked in keyboard is still the stock one for the time being, Swiftkey is just tacked on. After giving Swiftkey a shot, I hated it, and was then able to disable it and go back to Google Keyboard.

      2. I wouldn’t really consider swiftkey and maxxaudio as a bloatware. However i don’t understand the partnership with swiftkey, even though i am using this keyboard, it still one of the ugliest keyboards on play store that so many users use it.

        1. what keyboard do you prefer?

          1. In term of beauty?

      3. every OS has to have a keyboard and audio drivers. I don’t see that as bloatware.

  5. Does it mean we should expect PA features being added there?
    Also, what will happen to the features that were added from CM ? are they now gone?

    1. I’ll be skipping Oxygen because I’ve grown used to the CM features, from double tap to wake to UI changes. Since it’s licensed CM as a package, Oxygen can’t copy CM.

      1. too bad they will be gone.

        1. Not if I stick with CM.

  6. Phan Droid hasn’t received information because they weren’t invited yet. You guys will probably be invited to receive info around November during a mass press release event, which may have hiccups, allowing other journalists to receive info, but not Phandroid.

    Welcome to a the company which forces you to “ALWAYS SETTLE”!!!

    HA! LOL

    1. They’ve never made me settle

      1. I am glad that you have been able to enjoy a frustration free relationship with them.

  7. Bye CM, Hello PA.

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