
Full Samsung Galaxy S6 specs allegedly leaked: 128GB of storage, wireless charging and more


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We’ve heard a lot about Samsung Galaxy S6 specs lately, but we have yet to get a full list of what to expect. BGR claims to have received trustworthy information about what’s to come, though, and the list doesn’t sound bad to start:

  • 64-bit eight-core 14nm CPU which is 50% faster
  • 5.1-inch Quad HD Super AMOLED display with a 577ppi density, stunning outdoor visibility, super dim mode for late night.
  • A huge 20 megapixel OIS camera sensor and a 5 megapixel f/1.8 front-facing camera with real-time HDR
  • 32 / 64 / 128GB of storage
  • 2550mAh battery
  • Built-in wireless charging
  • Four hours of usage on a 10 minute charge
  • Quick connect charging
  • Samsung Pay: works with 90% of existing magnetic stripe payment terminals, and NFC payment terminals
  • Metal and glass body
  • Gorilla Glass 4
  • Cat 6 LTE

Much of it sounds par for the course for what we’re expecting out of 2015 flagships, though we’re still not sure whether Samsung will go with 3GB of RAM or 4GB. The processor is the most interesting aspect of this tale of the tape as a report from earlier this morning told us to expect Samsung to go with Exynos instead of Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 810 due to overheating issues.

Even more interesting about this rumor is that Samsung was rumored to be going with a 64-bit 14nm octa-core chipset for the Samsung Galaxy S5, but that never materialized (likely because the technology wasn’t yet ready for mass production).  This would lend credence to the suggestion that they will be introducing this powerful chipset for the Samsung Galaxy S6.


This could be the first phone we see the chipset making an appearance in. If true, Samsung will have beaten Qualcomm to plans of launching an octa-core chipset with a 14nm manufacturing process (Qualcomm is rumored to be introducing a similar configuration later this year or early 2016).

Another big takeaway is in the area of storage options. It’s not often we see Samsung offering up multiple options thanks to the microSD card slots they like to include in their smartphones, but even more puzzling is the suggestion that they will look to offer up to 128GB. That’s massive for a smartphone manufacturer not named Apple, and we wouldn’t mind seeing Samsung making such a model available.

Of course, this is just another rumor in a vast sea of them so you’ll have to take this (and all of them, really) with a grain of salt. The official bits won’t be known until Samsung decides to take the covers off at Mobile World Congress in March.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. LMAO—- battery’s a joke..and with that kind of hardware– plan on two charges a day for the power user. HILARIOUS—- this is far from a droid turbo.

    1. Yeah battery size is a bit disappointing.

    2. The 14nm process is a LOT more power efficient so….

      1. It’s the screen that eats through battery the quickest

        1. Agreed – screens can kill it. Lollipop is said to be more efficient out of the box by design they say, 64 bit processor more efficient, ART more efficient, add all of this up and though 2500 is weak, it will not be as much of a hinderance as it was previous to this overall setup.

          I am still very much interested.

    3. Hilariously it’s going to be FAR BETTER than the typically ugly Droid Turbo.

      1. Well you think the band-aid-esqe S5 is beautiful, so your qualifications on what’s “ugly” have pretty much gone right out the window…

      2. The Droid Turbo wasn’t built to be a pig in a dress–it’s built for business, which it does INCREDIBLY.

  2. Looks interesting tbh, I had the galaxy s3 and said I’d never have another Samsung but this might change my mind

  3. And I saw a Unicorn last night.

  4. This reeks of non-removable battery with “built in wireless charging”. If so, it’s the first Sammy I won’t buy. Waterproof up that G4, LG and I’m coming your way.

    1. or XPeria Z4.

  5. Samsung lost its touch. Specs are great but WAT DA FAk 2500 battery? In 2015 should be illegal. And pair that with a QHD screen you get 1 hour of screen on time

    1. The 14nm chips should be more efficient so hopefully that offsets the quad HD display drain.

  6. *Gets ready for disappointment*

  7. Why don’t the just underclock the 810 if they’re having heat issues….

    1. New isn’t always better

  8. All of this sounds good except the Exynos chip.

  9. I’d be happy with a Snapdragon 805 over the 810’s apparent overheating, especially over the Exynos, no bueno.

  10. They should only make 64 and 128gb since touchwiz eat up half the storage……

  11. No Exynos chips… Under Clock the 810 or use an 805…
    50% Faster Than What???

    1. underclock 810? lol…. you would rather have an underclocked 20nm ARM reference design chip by qualcomm than a 14nm FINFET chip by samsung?

      1. Yes I would… Only because of the software update issues that I have had in the past with Phones with Samsung Ship-sets. Their chip does not play well with LTE

  12. If the battery was removable the size wouldn’t be such a big issue.

  13. Something is wrong here Galaxy s5= 2800mah battery and Galaxy s6 = 2550mah(smaller)… Must be wrong or they are complete idiots

    1. Not ideal.. but as I said elsewhere Lollipop is said to be more efficient out of the box by design, 64 bit processor more efficient, ART more efficient so the point is this ‘should’ be way more battery efficient than the S5.

      1. Does the S5 run a quad HD screen?

        1. Nope.. but nor does it run 64 bit, ART, is built on an OS specific to Lollipop (that was redesigned to run more battery friendly as part of the core redesign), have as much on board memory and RAM (so less bottleneck and more efficient transfer), and run a supposed milder form of Touchwiz and have a newer screen using better less battery intensive refresh rates.

          NOT an apples to apples comparison as much as you want it to simply be just that and simply focus on what you see as 1 “possible” negative versus the 4-6 “possible” upside juice savers.

          1. So in other words, you have no idea that their improvements in power conservation will offset the huge extra draw of that screen.

            The screen has been the biggest power consumer on ANY Android phone I’ve used over the last 5 years, bar none.

    2. 14nm octa core chip set, I’m not into Samsung phones but something tells me this will compete with a phone with 3000 mah battery running snapdragon 800

      1. This might be an easier way for people to think about & accept the battery level drop as it is totally logical.

      2. Did you factor a higher density screen that is sure to drain battery more into your equation?

        Sounds like the BEST you could expect would be the same battery life as now.

        1. Yea u right about that. Never know SamsungMay have some new oled screen tech that is more efficient than ever before, I mean I don’t but Samsung I’m just acknowledging they coulda possibly figured something out

      3. Ok – you’ve reduced the gate geometry, that saves power.

        You’ve doubled the gate count.

        How much power did you save?

  14. Hmm with 128gb of storage, does that hint the fact that there is no micro SD card slot?

  15. Uh, that battery.

    WHAT DO WE WANT – more battery
    WHEN DO WE WANT IT – now!

    1. Why, when the processor prolly so efficient it may be like a snapdragon 800 device wwith 3000 mah batt

      1. Because if that’s the case, then we get even better battery life.

      2. They always say that, and battery life is never really much better because some other components (like the screen) kill it.

        Sometimes there is no substitute for mAh.

  16. No front facing speakers

    1. Front facing speakers are mandatory for me now. Also the trimming down of touch whiz.

    2. It seems ridiculous that more phones don’t have front facing speakers, or at the very least pointing out the sides or bottom. A speaker on the back of the phone makes no sense for a user.

  17. The S6 will probably be the worst Galaxy S in recent memory.
    1) A SEALED battery (that degrades over time)
    2) METAL. Yuck. Plastic is better in all ways except the nebulous ‘premium feel’
    3) A GLASS back. Remember the Nexus 4? No thanks.
    4) EXYNOS CPU instead of Qualcomm (because of the metal & overheating)
    5) MicroSD slot probably going away too, thanks to the closed deisgn.

    I’ve owned a S1, S3, and currently have a Note 3, but my next device will almost certainly not be Samsung. (Finally.) Will be glad to ditch the physical home button as well. An LG or Moto 5.5″er is my next, in a couple months.

    1. 1) you can open these phones – like iPhones – in minutes and change out “degradable” batteries. After the 1.5 or 2 years of use it takes to really break them down mind you. At which point, you are likely already looking for a new phone.

      5) not likely as you need access to the SIM card. They can stack both in 1 access.

      1. Once we have a battery tech that doesn’t degrade and charges very quickly (like a graphene supercapacitor) I won’t care as much about a sealed battery, since I rarely swap. I *DO* replace my battery every 9 to 12 months, though, and before resale, because it only holds about 60 to 80% of a charge vs new depending on usage.

        And I’m not so sure how easily the newer S’s can be cracked open, but my original S was a PITA.

    2. 1) Battery degrading is only an issue if you plan on using the phone for several years.
      2) I never cared about the metal vs. plastic debate. A lot of people have complained for years about the plastic in the S series, so I’m not surprised Sammy finally caved and went metal.
      3) Agreed. Never understood why you’d want glass on the back.
      4) Hoping the rumors are wrong here. Exynos is developer unfriendly.
      5) Good riddance. With 64GB and 128GB internal options, a MicroSD card is unnecessary. MicroSD only causes confusion. People don’t understand the limitations Google has placed on apps using them in KitKat and Lollipop and just expect to be able to move whatever they want to the card, but can’t.

      1. I only use my external SDXC for camera saves, media and backups, as it should be, since external flash is many times slower than internal, but cheaper. Not giving that up.

        1. External flash isn’t any cheaper than internal. Manufacturers may being choosing to charge an arm and a leg for higher storage, but their actual costs are minimal. If price followed cost (as it should), a smartphone with 128GB internal would be cheaper than a smartphone with 16GB plus a 128GB sdcard (or even a 64GB sdcard).

          1. Manufacturers charge more for it, hence, it is more expensive. More expensive to produce, probably not, but it is nonetheless more expensive to me.

    3. HTC was able to implement an SD Card slot in this “closed” design.

  18. Samsung and Htc have two things in common: Small batteries and going backwards with flagship devices. 2550mAH LOL. Samsung & Htc dropped the ball this year.

    Now that I know what Samsung & Htc is bringing, I’m more excited to see the #G4, #XperiaZ4, and the One Plus 2.

    1. You *don’t* know what Samsung & HTC are bringing. You know what *rumors* say they are bringing.

      1. Everything is always leaked months ahead of time. These phones are already built so yes, I believe the leaks. Every year its the same stuff, people are in denial. Then when the announcements show the leaks to be on point, its always “Facepalm”.

        1. The leaks aren’t always right. Some come pretty close, others are completely wrong. We heard some pretty crazy rumors about what the Nexus 6 would be, and even the ones that correctly predicted a phablet weren’t quite right on the exact specs and features. I also recall last year’s leaks about the Galaxy S5 predicting a much better device than what we actually got.

  19. All I keep reading is whining about the use of exynos. Are you flipping kidding me?? You’ve all used Qualcomm for too long now….. Exynos used to be the standard. Exynos went into flagship’s outside of USA. Qualcomm was a cheap, readily available processor they started using cause it was that, cheap. They’ve come along way with the 801 and 805 but, Exynos was ALWAYS better.

    1. The reason everyone “whines” about Exynos chips, is the driver software is locked down, and as such, is a nightmare for the development community.

      1. EXACTLY!!! noel beale FTW!!!

    2. Samsung started using the Qualcomm in the US because it was able to accommodate LTE modems when the Exynos could not.

      You may have preferred the Exynos for gaming. Others preferred the Qualcomm because it gave them data access.

  20. A few takeaways.

    1: Even if a 128GB model is offered, some nut will whine if a Micro SD slot isn’t offered as well.

    2: Gorilla Glass has to be some of the most overrated material used on phones today.

    3: 2550mAh battery. Really? I hope this new CPU is more power efficient because that screen could potentially suck a battery dry fairly fast…

    1. Larger storage sizes cost a fair amount more than an SD card of similar size.

      1. Actually, no they don’t. It’s the same type of memory (flash) that is being used.

        You can get a 128GB Micro SD card for roughly $90-100. You can get a 128GB SSD for anywhere from $60-100. Granted, an SSD won’t do your phone any good, but they’re both flash memory. The flash memory inside a phone isn’t going to be any more expensive than that used on a Micro SD card or in an SSD.

        1. Removable storage is always going to be more reliable than storage in the cloud. Just a wonderful option to have on your mobile device. Phone defective? Easier transfer data on your SD card to another device. Same great option for the battery.

          1. Until your SD card dies on you while your phone is still in perfect working order. Ask my clients. Who I get daily because of their external SD card being “fried”.

          2. That’s strange. I’ve used several brands and shared among friends and never seen that before. It happens but not as often where the cloud would be more reliable. Better the SD card die than the entire phone.

          3. True.. I just have a large volume of customers. I’ve seen it all. Some stories people won’t even believe. Its crazy what people do with their phones. Quite hilarious most of the times. Lol

          4. Like where they use their phones even, bathrooms and other places where phones don’t belong. People’s phones can be riddled with some disgusting stuff.

      2. Completely false. Phone manufacturers may be charging an arm and a leg to go from 16GB to 32GB, 32GB to 64GB, etc, but the actual cost of the flash memory itself is very small. There’s no reason for a smartphone with 128GB internal should cost more than a phone with 16GB and a 128GB SD card.

    2. The reason for a SD card, is when you break your phone, you dont lose your data, unlike with every smartphone that doesn’t have the ability to store your data on an easy to remove SD card. And storing to the cloud.. might as well just post it for the world to look through, did Snowden teach you nothing….. heh. Everyone always goes around saying how worthless an external SD slot is, then about dies when they drop their phone and lose everything.

      Remember, you are just one dropped phone away from finding out to late, why those in the know only buy phones with external SD slots to store their data on.

      1. What kind of drop have you experienced where you still couldn’t retrieve your data? Even with a cracked/busted screen, you can still access the phone. Water damage? It’d have to rust on the inside or sit in salt water for a while before it became useless.

        I’ve dropped many phones and tablets and never had issues getting my stuff off it, sans SD card. Recently dropped a work phone (Galaxy S4) with no SD. Busted the ever loving crap out of the screen. I put clear tape over the glass and hooked it up to the computer to transfer anything that I needed.

        You really need a better argument than “dropping a phone and losing data” and the “Snowden” argument is clearly dumb.

        1. I like being able to swap large files very easily between my tablet and phone thanks to external sd cards. It’s also nice being able to take the sd card out and pop it in a machine to print things off at a store.

        2. Having worked as a cellphone repair guy, you can’t always get data off a broken phone. Even using a computer won’t always give you the access you need. Sometimes there is just no way to get at the data.

          1. Why not when you can actually dig into the phones root folders. As long as the phone turns on, anything on the hard drive can be retrieved. Ps I also work on cell phones. Hasnt been a phone yet I havent been able to get the data off. Again as long as it turns on.

        3. Agreed with you up to the last sentence. The Snowden leaks show you can’t use the “cloud” for anything at all sensitive or private.

        4. It’s just a very convenient feature to have on a mobile device. Swapping out data at will like that is very nice.

    3. 1: Yes and you know why? That damn 128GB model will be unavailable in most countries and will cost almost $1000. Not Worth it.

  21. Oh but wait!: It’s dual (yeah that’s right, two!) 1250mah batteries! Everyone is freaking out for no reason! …that’s two!?!…wait,….f*** off rumor Samsung!

  22. Good job Phandroid, people really seem to be freaking out about rumors here.

  23. Don’t forget people, these are only rumors. Don’t get yourself worked up for nothing.

  24. maybe with the non removable battery, verizon can’t take out the wireless charging like they did with the LG G3 >:|

    1. The u.s. carriers force any phone with a removable backplate to charge extra for the wireless charging, phones with it built in they can’t make it desperate. But that 2550mah is weak sauce.

      1. yep , weak sauce needs to be at least 3800 mah or higher

      2. 2550 > 3300 with a 14nm chipset, improved screen tech, and a pure Android UI.

  25. How many cores are going to be dedicated to Touchwiz?

    1. They have said to scrap TW and bring a “Nexus” like experience to the S6.

      1. if you don’t want TouchWiz then don’t get a samsung phone, you always have the option of getting a lame nexus phone

        1. Lol… Exactly! I can’t wait for Samsung slow ass updates!!! Not only that their radios suck ass in those phones. Motorola by far has the best radios/basebands. Nexus FTW!!

  26. Exynos… no thanks

  27. Holy sandwich, those specs!

  28. Meh

  29. 5.1″? Too small for a modern phone.

    1. Lol thats crazy when a few years ago 5.1″ was considered almost phablet size. Now its too small. Im writing this on my Nexus 6 though so yea I agree with you 5.1″ is just too small.

    2. I think it’s the sweet spot for a lot of people. Personally, I’d like a 4.7″

  30. Agreed, 5.1 alone makes it a NO deal for me.. Especially since I’m coming from a note 3.

  31. I guess these are only rumors obviously. But if it truly is the case, bring on the g4 and the Sony z4..

  32. I’m not interested in any device without a removable battery. I might… I might actually have to go to a device with virtual buttons *vomit*. -_-

    1. Do you know the benefits of a 14nm processor. While current chips are 28nm which means theorectically it will decrease the chips battery power use by 50+%. Plus with quick charge tech and improved screen efficiency, you could possibly gain an extra day of battery life.

    2. I don’t know why so many people need to change batteries?! Since I got my first phone in 1992, I have never needed to change a single battery.

      1. I use mine only every other month or so on my S5. I used it weekly with my Note (1). A phone/tablet with a removable battery is also an easy way to extend the life of the device beyond the two or three years most lithium batteries are good for. Having a second battery from the start effectively doubles its lifespan, and you can get one when the original battery dies as well.

        With a built-in battery that can’t be changed at all, after a few years, the device will work only while connected to a power cable. Many devices are hybrids, though, in which you can change the battery by taking the back off, disconnecting the battery, and peeling it off its adhesive base.

        I’d gladly go for the Nexus 6 because its battery can be changed in a few years, and its hardware is still going to run well with current versions of android for years to come.

      2. I use GPS navigation and take pictures and videos a lot. That runs down my battery quickly on my Galaxy S4. It’s nice to be able to pop in a new charged battery when I am on the go. It’s also nice to use a separate battery charger to charge one battery while the other is in use. Finally, batteries lose at least some percentage of their initial capacity in is little time as 6 months. Its nice to be able to put in a new fresh battery when you want.

  33. Watch, all of the US carriers will only carry the 32Gb model.

  34. water proof is extremely good. While I was doing a photo shoot for my Instagram the phone Galaxy S5 fell down into the water at the beach. I had my joby tripod attached to it. The waves came towards the shore , it was mild and the whole thing fell backwards, it was still on. The wave went pass that distance toward me. I wiped it dry. everything worked well except the sound was distorted. 2 hours later it was back to normal. What an awesome phone made by samsung. Samsung please make the S6 water proof it is important for serious smartphone photographers who are not able to pay for a pro level dslr camera (Leica S2-P $26,000, Canon EOS-1D C $12,000) with higher Mah like 3800 Mah , removable battery also so you don’t have to find a wall plug if you run out of battery instead of those heavy iphone external batteries, they are very sorry. even the small extra or tiny convenient ones for iphones they are annoying unlike the Galaxy S5 you swap out battery and ready for the night of partying.

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