
Android has 1 billion active users in the past 30 days (and other interesting numbers from IO)


android billion

Sundar Pichai just laid out some very interesting numbers regarding Android and its growth as a platform. Last we heard, the mobile OS surpassed a whopping 1 billion total activations, and that was way back in September 2013. Fast forward to now, and Android is still doing pretty well.

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Google decided to focus on 30-day average active users instead of total activations to date, but that number is no less impressive. According to them, Android is used by more than 1 billion within a month-long time period. That’s absolutely astounding, mind-blowing and amazing.

Google’s goal has been to get Android in the hands of anyone and everyone, with their most recent ambitious goal being 10% of the world’s total population hooked up with Android phones. Seems like they had no trouble achieving that goal. Here are some other very interesting (and amusing) numbers Google decided to highlight:

  • 93 million selfies taken per day (they’re not sure how many of those selfies were duck faces)
  • 1.5 trillion steps per day
  • Phones checked 100 billion times per day
  • Android tablets account for 62% of the global market share

Android has grown to be a platform proven to be able to withstand the test of time, and it’s going to be very difficult for anyone to surpass it. Even Apple is having trouble matching Android’s global market share (though we’re sure the Cupertino company would beg to argue that they’re more concerned with being the top OEM and making the most money).

android tabs

So what now? Well, things are the same as they’ve always been — Google is going to show off some very cool stuff for the future of the platform throughout I/O, and that’s going to help fuel their way to the next major milestone. Be sure to stay tuned to all our Google I/O coverage!

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. 2 of a billion

  2. 3 of a billion :)

  3. 4 of a billion :)

  4. 1 of a billion :)

  5. 123,456,789 of a billion

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