
LG claims they will not make the next Nexus phone


LG logo wm watermarked

LG has been the manufacturers behind the last two Nexus phones, but that trend could soon be coming to a close. Company spokesperson Ken Hong answered whether or not LG has been tapped to create the next Nexus phone. The short answer: no. Well, not to his knowledge, anyway.

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“I know at least not yet. Normally, we were informed. This can mean two things. Either I was ignored, or we will not make it (the Nexus)”.

LG is known to bend the truth a bit when it comes to these things. They originally denied being the manufacturer behind the Nexus 5 until, well, they were revealed to be the manufacturer behind the Nexus 5.

But if we’re going based on trends, here’s one thing to remember in all of this: no manufacturer has ever made more than two Nexus phones or tablets, which in turn means there has never been a manufacturer to make more than two consecutive Nexus devices.

We’re not sure if that’s just due to the youth of the line, but it’s something to think about as we try and pinpoint who, exactly, will be responsible for the next device. Of course, it’s also entirely possible that we won’t be seeing another Nexus phone at all — Google is said to be retiring the line in 2015 in favor of Android Silver.

[via PhoneArena]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I don’t buy it because of two reasons: 1. LG is very popular among the Nexus fanbase because they make a solid product w/o charging a huge price tag. 2. Google cannot go approximately 16 months without making a flagship phone w/ another manufacturer if you believe the rumors of no Nexus and the next phone comes in Feb w/ Android Silver. Next week’s Google I/O will tell us more if the Nexus line is alive if they release another Nexus 7 refresh this summer and discuss Android Silver.

  2. Hopefully Samsung makes the next one (if there is one). Would love it if the phone was inspired by the Nexus 10 design.

    1. The Nexus 10 design was horrible. The battery didn’t even charge properly most of the time. Samsung over my dead body.

      1. lol…what does the battery have to do with the design of the device? The Nexus 10 and Galaxy Nexus were some of the best looking devices of their kind.

      2. I have to disagree. I LOVED the design of the Nexus 10. The only downside was that horrific Exynos chipset, imo.

    2. Love the N10 design. It’s close my perfect tablet design wise.

  3. Or maybe there will be no more Nexus phones and LG will be putting out a Silver line.

  4. I’m hoping Motorola will make the Nexus 6. Now that they are no longer owned by Google, there should be no controversy, just a great phone

    1. Motorola is still currently owned by Google though. The sale to Lenovo has not been given gov’t approval as yet (I’m sure it will), so the sale has not been finalized. It can take a few more months before the sale completes. Look at MS and Nokia as an example. That sale just completed last month, but was announced in late 2013.

      That said, I also do hope Motorola gets a shot at making the next one. :)

      Link to their Privacy Policy:

      “Motorola Mobility LLC (“Motorola”) – a Google company – ”


      1. Moto may miss the last Nexus but be in the running for the first Silver.

  5. HTC Nexus: Dual Speakers advantage
    Motorola Nexus: Battery Advantage
    Samsung Nexus: Camera Advantage

    Tough to decide for people.

    1. giant phablet = no thanks

      1. Where the heck did you get the notion regarding a phablet?

        1. I assume he’s thinking about the One M8, G3 and S5 all being on the large side. All great phones but for my personal taste a little on the large side.

          My perfect Nexus would have the Camera and battery life of the G3, the speakers of the One M8, screen size of the N4 or N5 with the display tech and marketing power of the S5.

          1. With Moto features like Active Display and Touchless control

          2. Stop. I’m drooling.

          3. For me, a phablet is 5.5″ or higher. I have the Note 3, but I can deal with a big screen. For everyone, there is a phone out there. The Moto X for the 4.7″ users. I just got my mom a Nexus 4 and it feels so small since the last time I owned one in 2013.

        2. Samsung.

        3. Well people keep calling it the Nexus 6, which implies a 6 inch screen…

          1. We’ve been over this many, many times. The number is not the screen size for Nexus phones, only tablets. The N6 will be the sixth Nexus phone. If it’s 6 inches (very unlikely), that’s coincindence. The Nexus One was not 1 inch. Nexus S (Nexus 2) was not 2 inches. GNex (Nexus 3) was not 3 inches. The Nexus 4 was not 4 inches (it was a hair under 5). The Nexus 5 was, coincidentally, 5 inches.

          2. If that’s the case, then I already have the 7th and 10th Nexus…

    2. If it’s 5.0 or smaller I won’t buy, I’d buy a Nexus 5 if I wanted a 5in phone. Even Apple is getting larger haha

  6. if we’re going based on trends, here’s one thing to remember in all of this: no manufacturer has ever made more than two Nexus phones or tablets, which in turn means there has never been a manufacturer to make more than two consecutive Nexus devices. http://sn.im/290xdj8

  7. LG says they’re not making the next Nexus device?

    Suddenly I’m having Deja Moo because I’ve heard this bull before.

  8. Bring a Verizon nexus with ~5″ screen and I’m losing my note 3 in a flash. /pipelinedream

  9. Am I recalling history wrong? 2 revs IS the “trend”:

    – HTC g1 and one
    – Sammie s and galaxy
    – lg n4 and n5

    Why would anyone be surprised that Google would switch to next OEM, assuming there even is another nexus device?

    And 2 generations/years seem perfectly calibrated for OEM relationship. Just long enough to get good but not to long for employees to get bored out stake or for the inevitable dysfunction to become a distraction.

    1. You basically said what I said, except I wasn’t counting the G1 since it technically wasn’t Nexus (even though it spiritually is).

  10. Next one by… Amazon?
    Wouldn’t that be a shock? :P

    1. Look for the sun to rise in the west. That will be the sign.

      1. Hey look! That pig has wings!

  11. Metal HTC if they do make another Nexus. I’m willing to pay the extra price. That and concentrate on the camera.

  12. If they took the Moto X, updated the processor, color calibrated the OLED display, installed Lollipop and called it Nexus, I would buy it.

  13. Nexus Z from Sony?

    Fitting since it will be the last Nexus.

    1. No! I want a Nexus 6! #bladerunner

  14. If that’s not saying silver is on its way! Am green as fook!

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