
Verizon bringing amber gold and glamour red HTC One M8 June 5th


HTC-One-M8- Red-Amber-Gold-1024x640

Verizon has revealed two new color options for folks who don’t like the current crop of styles for the HTC One M8. Their signature red will be sported proudly in the Glamor Red version, while those more into gold will be happy to know that they’ll have their own Amber Gold option, as well.

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Beyond fresh coats of paint these are the same HTC One M8 devices we reviewed back in April, so read up on it if you’re looking to get one and want to know if it’s worth its skin. If so, you can look forward to seeing these on Big Red’s store shelves June 5th (Verizon’s offering $100 off its $199.99 two-year contract price for a limited time to celebrate Father’s Day).

[via Verizon]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Finally! My wife has been waiting to buy this to see if she likes the red version!

    1. I have a feeling the red one will get visible scratches very easily…

      1. If it’s anything like cars, then red won’t show scratches that badly. I have a red car, and dents/dings are more visible than scratches…

  2. My son helped me get the Amber Gold edition for Sprint at Best Buy on Monday and I love it. Once he showed me his in gold I was sold. It’s a gorgeous color and not over-the-top like I imagined when he first told me about it.

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