
Verizon Galaxy Note 3 update fixes a lot of bugs, introduces a lot of new bloatware



It looks like Verizon’s version of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is due for a key upgrade soon, bringing many different changes that will both excite and disappoint you. The exciting stuff is in the bug fixes, with Big Red’s big slate bringing us the following suite of changes:

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  • Incoming call displays Picture Me on screen when using Call Waiting
  • Handwriting data entry issue for email and SMS messages has been resolved
  • Email sync issue has been fixed and connectivity has been improved
  • Bluetooth Audio continues after a call is finished
  • Mobile Hotspot reliability has been improved
  • Samsung keyboard crash issue has been resolved
  • Notification Panel responsiveness has been improved
  • Connectivity and sound quality improved

As for the not-so-exciting bit? New bloatware! Users will be treated to a new MyInfoZone widget, a VMware app, an updated version of the Verizon Support & Protection app, and the Verizon Cloud app. None of this should be too difficult to rid yourself of if you’re not down with any of it. We’re not sure when, exactly, this thing is supposed to begin rolling out, but we’ll be trying to find out.

[via Verizon]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Not sure what is causing it but I’m getting a ton of bugs with my Note3. I have to pull the battery every other day. As I type this, everything seems to be working fine but holding down the power button does not bring up the power options. It turns the screen off and on but I can’t shut it down. May head into the store to see if I can get a new one.

    1. Sorry to hear that. My issues include call quality, bluetooth quality, the occasional keyboard crash, and the very rare random reboot (Almost always caused by overloading the phone)

    2. I’ve had that issue a few times as well, not every other day though! I’d be really annoyed if I had that issue more frequently. Hopefully this update will fix the problem. Though I’m not excited for more of VZWs bloatware that I never touch…

    3. My only issue that I can’t potentially tie to an app problem is wifi connectivity.

      1. I have some wifi issues as well. Mine will disconnect and reconnect to wifi randomly. I normally don’t notice it because it will default to 3g/4g with a seamless transition. I finally noticed it while at a friends house and on his wifi – an area that I do not get 3g/4g. The samsung log-in screen kept popping up…endlessly to the point that I had to turn on airplane mode to stop it.

    4. I have had the same problem. It seems that once you start experiencing an issue with something on the phone, afterwards, you cannot shut the phone down. Only a battery pull will do. =/

    5. My update is installing now.

    6. I have the same problem. did the update fix your phone’s power problem?

      1. Haven’t had the issue since the update but could just be on a streak of good luck. Not sure and only time will tell.

  2. I wonder if this “fixes” the free wifi tether bug that comes with these galaxy phones on Verizon…

    1. What is wrong with it? I use the hotspot all the time to connect my tablet. Haven’t had an issue with it yet.

      1. Same here, hotspot worked for me right out of the box. I’m on the 10GB shared plan because I have another line with the iPhone 5s. Both work flawlessly.

        1. The loophole was used for those who are grandfathered in with the unlimited data and since they don’t have a shared plan, they don’t have the free tethering that comes with it…so there was a trick to give them fee WiFi…and to answer the question, yes it breaks that loophole so don’t update. Or just check out the paid app called Fox Fi, heard that works.

  3. Still waiting for my update to 4.3 for my Note 2 from Verizon. It was leaked that Verizon was supposed release it at the end of November. Still nothing. Maybe because they were trying to fix all the bugs on the Note 3. I don’t have any of those problems mentioned on here by others on my Note 2.

    1. I’m done with Verizon, I have the Note 2 as well and have been waiting for the 4.3 update. It seems that Verizon is always the last carrier to aprove updates after filling them with bloatware of course. It’s not enough that their plans are expensive, they have to fill the phones up with terrible bloatware to try to squeeze more money out of you. There’s almost no chance that I’ll renew my contract with them.

      1. I understand and share in your frustration. But how does bloatware cost you more money? And did you know that you can just disable the apps if you don’t want to root your phone?

        1. Hi Verizon representative, jk, but I do wonder why you’re standing up for them.

          I didn’t say it cost me more money, I said they use it “to try to squeeze more money out of you.” If someone wants to pay for extra services like VZ Navigator, for instance, they should leave it up to the consumer to download it if they’d like to, not install an app on your phone to try to influence you into using their service. Maybe they could just give you a pamphlet with your phone outlining some of their apps and services that you could purchase instead, or even send you an email with a list. I know I could disable them, but they’re still consuming space on my device, space I would prefer to use for other applications, music, etc.

        2. Some of the preloaded apps can be disabled. Many can not. My Magazine and Flipboard for example.

  4. My device already has the update downloading.

    1. Ditto for me

  5. The update is available now…

    1. I’d love for them not to push this out and just give us 4.4…

  6. my note 3 is rooted running safe strap recovery, anyone have issues after updating this? Like losing root or not able to update?

    1. I heard it does NOT break root…I seen a comment where someone said theirs was rooted and still were after OTA update.

  7. I got the update yesterday;. Hasn’t really changed anything that’s terribly noticeable. The “Unstable connection” business seems to have gone away which is nice. The new My Info widget thingy is friggin pointless.

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