
Google UK exec says Nexus 4 supplies have been scarce, erratic; confirms new shipments this week


In today’s edition of “let us tell you something you probably already know,” a Google exec has spoken out about the unfortunate situation that has been transpiring with the Nexus 4 delays. Many customers put orders in more than a month ago, and some of those customers still haven’t received a device.

The initial corporate response, as it always seems to be with big delays of any kind, was that demand exceeded Google’s wildest expectations. You can only go so long trying to flip this big of a negative into a positive in that age-old way, though, and it seems Google UK and Ireland’s managing director is ready to put the bullish excuse away.

Dan Cobley spoke directly to users on Google+ (after they bombarded a post about Zeitgeist with complaints about the Nexus 4 debacle) as he looked to empathize with them regarding the situation. He says the delays are unacceptable, and that the teams are working around the clock to meet all of its orders and get back on track. Cobley wasn’t looking to help soften the fire under LG, either, as he implicated the OEM for its scarce and “erratic” supply. We’re not sure what, exactly, is meant by “erratic” but we’re going to guess he’s talking more about the process of shipment opposed to problems in manufacturing.

Cobley says Google is still at fault, though, as communication to customers regarding these matters have been admittedly poor on their part. He’s right: when customers throw hundreds and thousands of dollars at you then the ability to let them know what’s going on with what they paid for is imperative.

Having said that, Cobley took the opportunity to be more clear about the status of orders that were originally taken on the December 4th sale. Those orders were originally given shipment times of 3-5 days, and while a good amount of customers received devices in that time frame there still appear to be a lot who haven’t.

Cobley assured everyone that the rest of those orders would be shipping out early this week, however, and any other orders that were originally scheduled to arrive before Christmas will make their way to customers’ doorsteps before the biggest gift-giving date of the year. Let’s hope Google is up to the task of meeting that estimation, because if there’s one date you absolutely cannot miss when shipping orders, it’s Christmas. How many of you are still without Nexus 4 devices?

[via The Verge]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I’m seriously starting to believe that +Google has developed it’s own version of the Apple Reality Distortion Field and some are being sucked right into it. This man is going on record with, it’s not their fault, as his excuse for the the trouble on a Google run website, and lets be honest and admit that all the issues have been around the way the sales of the phone have transpired. That’s the fault of LG? How does that work? People that believe that and blame LG are idiots. If Google doesn’t have stock in sufficient numbers, they shouldn’t be putting them up for sale! 

    1. Stock has nothing to do with it. If they communicate prior to and after purchase decently reliable shipping information, none of this would have been an issue.

      1. Agreed – stock has nothing to do with it. I ordered one on Dec. 3 (US) and received it December 5. My friend who ordered Nov. 27 received his Dec. 14.

        It doesn’t fit a pattern of creating scarcity to generate buzz, and it doesn’t fit a pattern consistent with manufacturing or supply problems as primary factors. It looks more like broken sales/inventory management systems. Whatever orders Google tried to take were filled out of sequence, and I’ll bet that LG didn’t get timely or accurate information from the Play store.

        Anywhere else, someone would have reverted to Excel to run the process. At Google they probably had to use Docs. Might explain a lot.

  2. Ya know, I’d consider buying one…maybe… if it would work *at all* on VZW’s network. I don’t even really care about getting LTE on it. Of course, I’d need some assurances after being burned by the Galaxy Nexus’s poor radio performance.

    For my first Nexus purchase, it was … disappointing. My LG Spectrum gets better call quality and reliability ffs. (I actually use the LG as my phone now and the Nexus as a “toy” to play with JB and various ROMS.)

    I would actually do a straight-up trade for a Spectrum2 at this point for that thing. Ruined my taste for “Nexus” almost completely.

    1. Your first problem was getting a Nexus on Verizon…

      1. I really don’t give two sh*ts who’s to blame.

        1. Angry? I’m just saying it was obviously Verizon and the Samsung LTE radios in their version that caused a less than stellar experience. Why let that ruin your “taste” for Nexus completely? Especially when we have a whole new device by a whole new OEM.

          1. Angry? No.

            I just don’t care who you think I should blame. :-D

            See, I even smiled. …and we all know angry people don’t smile.

        2. You don’t care who’s to blame, yet you say you’d consider a Nexus 4 if there were a Verizon version? How many times does Verizon have to screw you over before you start caring that they’re to blame?

          1. I thought I phrased that correctly…let me add some emphasis:

            “I just don’t care who **you<** think I should blame.”

            I was not looking for scapegoats or a game of “pile on Verizon”. I simply posted my current situation and the effect it had on my perception of the brand itself. You can play the blame-game all like. Have fun with it. Heck, throw Apple in there somewhere. Microsoft? I’m sure even Anonymous had something to do with it.

            None of that actually matters though,


            Maybe I do care a little. I do, in fact, find it incredibly interesting that the moment I posted this, laying my blame on absolutely no-one, one reply after another called for me to “Blame Verizon!”

            Do all of you really think that VZW is the only party to blame for that fiasco??

    2. Then you would not be getting updates like google wants. Verizon already proved that with their absolutely insane handling of the GN. I will be leaving them for a GSM carrier probably when the N5 comes out.

      1. Don’t forget the Wallet vs. Isis fiasco. Verizon is lying through their teeth on that one.

    3. I don’t know why you think that the Nexus devices are magically better than the other phones out there. There are phones that have better sound quality than others. There are phones that have better data connectivity than others. There are phones that perform better than the others. The Nexus devices aren’t the “BEST” phones out there. They are an attempt at a “reference” example of a decent phone, which doesn’t mean it’s meant to be the best. The real benefit of the Nexus device is not having carrier/manufacturer’s screwing with the device. This is huge.

      That said, Google took a gamble with the Galaxy Nexus and the CDMA carriers and got burned. Honestly, I think they made the right decision to bypass the CDMA carriers.

      I don’t disagree that Google has faults here and there. The Nexus 4 ordering fiasco was indeed a problem, but your complaints about the Nexus devices on Verizon really need to be leveled at Verizon. The entire process of activating a phone on a CDMA network is a closed non-transparent system, and you have basically the carrier to blame there.

      1. Who are you responding to?? …because I sure as heck never said they had to be the best.

        Being able to be used as an actual phone would be nice though…

        …and as far as who you think I should blame for the issues with the GN, I’ll tell you what I told the other guy: I really don’t care who you think I should blame. Not a bit. :-D

  3. Just give all the earlier buyers a free Nexus 4 like they did for the Nexus Q then everyone’s happy :P And there will be even more people wanting to order next time Google releases something new

    1. I wouldn’t say no to that! ;P

      1. I’m not sure that will help the problem with there being little nexus 4 phones.

        1. No…but it’ll make people happy :)

          1. And repeat purchases is exactly what Google needs to combat the already ‘very loyal’ Apple customers

  4. I ordered mine December 5 and am still waiting. I am OK with it though. I know its a great deal.

    I think this response to the demand for Nexus 4, will help Google to better judge and prepare for adequate quantities in future releases.

    Of course every manufacture fears overstocking on supplies and ending up with allot of overhead costs from unsold supplies. So it is understandable. It is only a shame if they don’t learn from this experience and continue their mistakes in future releases.

  5. People in the US that ordered on 11/13 are still waiting while people that order in December got thier Nexus 4. How is that possible?

  6. LG is used to selling 20 or so odd phones a year, so it’s understandable that they couldn’t fulfill the demand.

  7. Yea, i’m still missing my November 13th order. This is the 34th day since I placed my order, and still nothing. Google lied repeatedly telling me a “specialist” would response in 24 – 48 hours. 2 weeks passed before I got a response from one stating “Your order looks fine and should ship soon, we’ll contact you in 24 hours to confirm your order has went through.” 72 hours has passed and no follow up email from Google Support, making this the 30th or so lie i’ve received from Google. If their support team is as incompetent as they’ve proven to be, don’t give a date or time estimate when you know its not possible, it does nothing but infuriate me more!

  8. Im going to get crucified for this but, boy can Apple really do a product roll out really well. Its disappointing to see that the Nexus 7 dock just recently got released for sell in Japan. There is no sign anywhere of the Nexus 4 wireless charging dock, no miracast receivers, no miracast on nexus 10, no miracast on Nexus 7. What gives? I imagine Google could have held on til Dec 3, planned out a better release and offered the wireless charger as well oh and more bumpers.

  9. I’m still without a nexus 4! : ( (Being that I didn’t order one. : D) For now I’ll stay with my trusty old school Desire HD : P

  10. I hate google for this. They have always messed up the Nexus sell from the get go. On top of it, when you mix LG with google…it is a recipe for disaster.

  11. Just got an email saying mine had shipped!! (UK)

    1. I hate you… (read: jealous)

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