
GREE Brings Major Gaming Studios To Android – Capcom, Konami, Square Enix and Sega All On Board


Japanese mobile gaming platform GREE, has recently announced their expansion and merger with the popular Open Feint platform who’s services you may have seen integrated into many popular Android games. With the merger comes a bunch of big name game publishers who have signed on to bring some of their hottest titles to Android (and iOS). 7 major Japanese game studios were name dropped and a few of their mobile titles as well:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Capcom: Resident Evil Mercenaries VS for GREE, Monster Hunter Dynamic Hunting for GREE

Tecmo Koei: Dynasty Warriors for GREE

Konami: DanceDanceRevolution
Square Enix: Emperor’s SaGa, Galaxy Dungeon
Sega: Ryu ga Gotoku Kizuna (Yakuza Kizuna/Bonds)
Taito: Period Zero, Dead Connection
Namco Bandai: Kamen Rider Wars, Super Sentai Wars, Ultraman Taisen

Before you get too excited, the merger isn’t expected to be completed until Q2 of next year and even then, some of these titles could remain “Japan only.” Still, this announcement came as part of GREE’s global initiative and with a huge market for them here in the US, I’m hopeful we’ll see many of these games localized soon after they’re released. Android could be in for some serious mobile gaming. 2012 is going to be a great year with “Team Android.” Time to reconsider my stance on quad-core processors…

For a full list of titles currently available for GREE, you can check out their new portal site in the source link below.

[GREE | Via AndriaSang and Droidgamers]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. sega!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. “Before you get too excited, the merger isn’t expected to be completed until Q2 of next year and even then, some of these titles could remain “Japan only.” Still, this announcement came as part of GREE’s global initiative and with a huge market for them here in the US”

    Now Chris, you do realise that there are other countries in the world other than Japan and the USA, right?

      1. he obviously means Fargo.

  3. Please, Squeenix, give us games! Namco-Bandai too!

  4. Eric Schmidt was saying………?

  5. I thought GREE was a highschool musical TV show from Asia… 

    1. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy fuck that was hilarious, + 9001

      1. That crossed my mind too.  Too funny.

  6. nice… so many new Android gaming stuff.. playstation suite, this, and onlive… sweet.

  7. Woohoo, more Japanese games!! 

  8. Kamen Rider Wars and Super Sentai Wars please, with a side order of Resident Evil and DDR. Thanks..

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