
Galaxy Nexus LTE Images Uncovered in Verizon Site Source Code


We have no idea when Verizon actually plans to launch the Samsung Galaxy Nexus (though there is plenty of speculation), but whatever is going on Big Red is most definitely getting things prepared. Android Forum member Ytram did some digging in the Verizon website’s XML manifest and uncovered the images that will eventually make up the 360 degree preview of the handset. Consider it Verizon’s way of dangling the carrot right in front of our noses.

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[via Android Forums]

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  1. I’m gonna print out these pictures and tape them to my DX.

    1. funny, on so many levels

    2. OMG!  This made me laugh pretty damn hard!

    3. Yeah, that made me laugh too! Good one!

  2. Stock photos buried in an XML manifest don’t exactly feel like a “carrot dangling in front of my nose” but… at this point, who cares!

  3. Whew…looks like she got a little chunky :)  But that’s ok…I’m willing to put up with a few more mm’s to get more time out of her :)

    1. Wrong on so many levels…

      1. But true…

      2. Haha…that wasn’t intended to come out as dirty as it did :)

    2. Good news! You only have to put up with an extra half of a millimeter. 

    3. I thought the same thing, but consider this it is almost 1/2 mm thinner than the Fascinate.

  4. Can’t believe there is no Google logo on back cover…

    1. me too, would much rather have a google logo than a verizon one, though I assume at some point someone will be selling iterations / customizations of the cover ( or at least I hope )

    2. I’m buying another back cover to replace the verizon logo with google’s. I refuse to let Verizon basterdize my Galaxy NEXUS!

    3. Yeah, what’s going on with that?

  5. Always when I’m about to say screw it and buy a Rezound, there’s some new piece of info about the nexus. Damn you, Verizon. Stop playing games with my heart.

    1. Rezound? You really enjoy sense that much?

      1. I love me some sense calendar widgets…but that’s about it. I’m sure we should see some good ICS roms for it pretty soon. Also, my incredible looks like the screen got hit with a hammer. Compliments of some concrete stairs.

      2. I just got my wife the black friday red Incredible 2.. and I’m not gonna lie..  Sense is pretty sexy =X  haha.. I rooted it for her right away and put on a custom sbrisson mod still with sense on it :P  Anyway, she was made when I tried putting Cyanogen on her first Incredible.. she didn’t like the AOSP look hehe

      3. Of the plethora of unnecessary UI overlay bull$#!+ out there… I have to say I like Sense the best.  It still sucks and is arguably the most bloated, but it is the nicest IMO.

  6. cool, stoked. :)

  7. Uh, I don’t need any more carrots. Nice to see it’s devoid of any Verizon branding on the front at least. It looks ridiculous on the Droids.

  8. Verizon did post a tweet a few hours back telling people to go sign up for updates in which I had two reactions…

    1. hopefully a sign the nexus is coming soon
    2. it’s not here, so FU

    1. I think its #2

      1. Literal and listed #2 apply because Verizon is taking a crap on us and hopefully not putting crapware on the phone.

  9. Damn you vzw. Damn you.

  10. I thought there was a dock connector on the left side in the GSM version? Am I missing something here?

    1. yes, I see it in the photos – it is the three little dots on the side

    2. The dock connector is on the right side (same side as power button) it’s the last picture. Same as the GSM version.

    3. Looks like the Galaxy Nexus dock finally got pictured: 

      I wonder why it doesn’t utilize the dock connectors (plus looks different from the one in the unveiling presentation). Maybe a wrong picture? 

      1. Definitely not the real thing.

        1. Looks like it was the real thing, but is the HDMI dock. The media dock is the one shown in the presentation.


  11. I give up.  Give my ‘Bolt ICS and I will be happy.

  12. It’s not a real Nexus phone if Verizon is plastered on it.

    1. The front is clean at least

    2. It’s still a Nexus phone as long as they don’t put other apps…oh, nevermind.

      Joking aside. I can live with it on the back. A logo on the side of the phone I never look at isn’t going to stop me from getting this.

  13. Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!

  14. Sigh. I should have put this cash in a CD or something. At least I could have made some money off the 2 month wait….

  15. If this phone had come out already, this would never have happened yesterday! Damn you Verizon! :P

    1. Could have been worse :P 

      If it was out already, you’d have it, and it would have happened to your GN :'( 

      1. Glass is on Amazon for 30 bucks. really simple to replace. Just go to ifixit or google a droid incredible teardown for a step by step way to take everything apart. there’s some ribbons in there that are delicate. That’s how I replaced my glass when my dog stepped on my phone (managed to step right on the trackpad :-/ )

      2. Na, the physics are all different! :P

    2. didn’t that UK guy post a video of throwing his RAZR (w/ gorilla glass) and nexus (w/o it) down a flight of stairs?

      the nexus came out unscathed while the razr’s glass was so shattered the touchscreen was unresponsive

      1. I believe that was a Razr that was dropped on concrete, and it shattered vs. a Nexus that was thrown down carpeted stairs. It is a good indication that the Nexus is strong, but I still wouldn’t drop it in the same way the Razr was dropped, I guarantee without even seeing the Nexus, that it wouldn’t survive. 

        Edit: here is the post-> http://www.droid-life.com/2011/11/21/droid-razr-and-its-gorilla-glass-fail-to-survive-a-pocket-drop-galaxy-nexus-succeeds-down-flight-of-stairs/

    3. It’s uncanny how much this has been happening in the last few weeks. 

  16. I’ve been following smartphone launches since 2004, and this is easily the tightest “lid” I’ve ever seen.

  17. This Chiquita Banana sticker from the banana I’m eating should just about cover up that vzw logo, with no loss of looks (hate that logo)

    1. Monster Energy Import sticker for me. I have one on my Nexus S 4G and there is no good reason for it. :-) btw first post using Disqus on a mobile, not very fluid.

  18. Why is verizon playing with my emotions..

  19. The soft buttons look ugly with the gray background….

  20. If the phone is not released in the next 2 weeks im saying fuck it and jumping ship. fuck u verizon right about now!!!

  21. Why are the soft keys gray?????  The black looked infinitely better

  22. I finally sent verizon an email and complained about “NO INFORMATION ON RELEASE” and a rep called me about an hour ago.  She apologized “so that made it all better” and said that it would be out before the year end.  SHe sent an email also and this is how they word it.  (we are still on track to announce the availability of the Galaxy Nexus
    by Samsung this year. As advised, I encourage you to sign up at http://www.verizonwireless.com/galaxynexus so you will be alerted when this device becomes available.)  Her expanation for the delay was that they wanted to be absolutely sure it would work flawlessly on their system.  Do you all feel any better?I dont really.

  23. Looks like the curved screen is gone. That’s my favorite part!!!

    1.  no, it’s still there.  verizon cant change the design of the phone

      1. They did just that when they added the Verizon logo, two apps and changed the color.

  24. I don’t care that there is a VZW logo on the back of the phone. I just don’t want any VZW inside my phone! Is that so wrong?! GIT YO HANDS OUTTA MY NEXUS, VERIZON!…oh and RELEASE INTO THE PHONE INTO MY HANDS NOW!  – disgruntled, impatient Verizon contract holder.

  25. I work for a company which has a verizon rep stationed – she told us Dec 7th is their ICS training day ~ so 8th seems logical. She also told me originally the training was Nov 23rd and it got pushed to Dec 7th now (2 weeks after thanksgiving..damn it)…

  26. Pass. I don’t want a Verizon tramp stamp on the back of my nexus

  27. ye gads, i have “order prime” on my calendar for Dec 8. we are all totally nuts. I’ve had to buy a samsung galaxy tab 8.9 to pacify myself. just had to do it!

  28. now that’s some hardcore journalism right there

  29. Oh noes! Verizon brandings! My eyes! My eyes!!

  30. Monster Energy Import sticker for me.

  31. Well guys I officially don’t care anyone about these rumors since I got this bad boy today.

    1. Good for you jdog… let us know how you like it :)  Did you order the GSM or the HSPA version? (ie the slim one or the fat one?) 

      1. I ordered the GSM/HSPA+ version (they are the same one) and I love it, ICS is so fast and smooth. I am still moving everything over from my Nexus S at the moment. I actually installed 4.0 on a Vibrant the other day and it dramatically sped up that old phone, even faster then CM 7 did. There are a lot of features that Google doesn’t even mention in 4.0 and I need to write them all down when I get a chance. The screen is so clear that when I did a comparison between it and my Nexus S the Nexus S looks all blurry now, LOL. This is not a small upgrade like previous ones. I have always gotten upgrades first since I have used every Google phone since day one of Android.

        The thick Nexus is the CDMA/LTE model.

        1. Awesome!!

          I’m really looking forward to this device.  If you get a chance, I’d love to hear about some of the features that aren’t necessarily being shouted from the mountaintops.  Coming from a Droid Incredible, this is going to be a HUGE update for me.

          And yeah, stupid me – I meant CDMA but typed GSM.  lol.  Guess I should have had more coffee this morning.  :)

  32. Question. My OG Droid contract is up on the 11th. Will I lose the opportunity to be grandfathered in with unlimited data if this thing isn’t released or made available for pre–order by the time my contract expires? Noob question, I’m sure, but I wouldn’t put this past these clowns to delay things in order to minimize the OG Droid contract roll–overs…

    1. It grandfathers in man, you’re fine. As long as you dont cancel of course

  33. @Magus2300:disqus  just that when they.. my neighbor’s mother made $233166 so far just working on the internet for a few hours. Read more on this site…http://smlk.es/86kjk23–2

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