
Droid 4 Could Launch on December 8


The rate at which Android smartphones are cycled out is becoming a bit disturbing. With only about a half a year between the two, Motorola and Verizon could be releasing their next Droid on December 8th. The Droid 4 would be the fourth device in the series to be launched within a span of two years. For what it’s worth, the handset has come a long way, and the latest iteration promises to continue the tradition of being among the top handsets with full QWERTY keyboards. The phone will sport a 4-inch Super AMOLED display, dual-core processor, and support for Verizon 4G LTE. The handset will come in a bit thinner than its predecessor and carry some RAZR-esque stylings.

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December 8th is also the most recent date floated for a potential Samsung Galaxy Nexus launch, so it could be an interesting day for Verizon.

[via DroidLife]

Kevin Krause
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  1. so soon o_o

    wish the screen was bigger tho =/

    1. Yes, a bigger screen would make it more appealing.. it might give Droid 3 owners more of a reason to upgrade too.

  2. Keyboard looks nice =D

  3. To bad it is still locked down like every other new moto on vzw.

  4. i hope u can dig more news about it soon
    am thinking about buying Droid 3

  5. taking bets…..d4 comes out before nexus

  6. I’m listening…

    1. basically if you get the nexus you will love it. If you get the D4 you will like it but wish you had more. If you are worried about the keyboard, i have the Droid Charge and i can type faster than i could on my D2

  7. After two years with the OG Droid, I was looking forward to the GN…but now I am tempted by the D4. To change styles (and manufacturer) completely, or stick with what I know?

    1. It’s not what you know. It’s a locked down device with Motobelch installed.

  8. July look for the droid 5 to be released.

  9. it stinks that theres not much of an upgrade besides the 4g and maybe the screen.

    if the screen turns out to be 4.3 that would be amazing 

  10.  get fucked, droid 3 owners

    1. xept I still like my Droid 3 and Maverick Rom. I rather not have to use stock Moto. 

  11. I’m sure the D4 will release on that day, but the Nexus will be pushed back to give the D4 time to sell.

  12. Sweet I’ve been waiting for this one. You all can keep your nexus lol

  13. How bout 4.3 inch screen, slim with keyboard though, razr slide? Also make it on sprint and others , would be nice to have a d pad or trackball too with dual core and LTE

  14. And thats why Apple with the iPhone still has a better marketing than most android phones. 

    Why the heck do we need 300 different versions from the same phone? Just go with a top tier to go against the iphone and a low or mid range so that mere mortals like me can buy =p

    I though sony would go this route with the mini/arc. but then they had to release the pro, the neo, the arc, the neo v. This is stupid and just makes searching for a good smartphone harder…

    1. How many high-end Android sliders are there?  Just one, if you count the Captivate Glide.

      How many high-end Android sliders are there with LTE?  Zero.  After the D4 launches, that number will increase to one.

      How many iOS sliders are there? :)

      There may be too many Android slabs, but there’s certainly no oversupply of high-end Android phones with physical keyboards.

      So bring on the D4!

      1. Actually, have you seen this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nE81cfKSQU&feature=related  there are quite a few of these keyboards available for the iPhone. And well, what doesn’t the iPhone have, really!

        This is one of the reasons why going to the iPhone for me right now (from OG Droid) is a smart choice…  a plethora of great apps, hardware devices, and gizmos are constantly being developed for the iphone with its standard connectors, sizes, colors, etc.

        The quantity and quality of products would not be feasible to produce for any one Android phone, because of the exact thing that many of you are complaining about here: buy the phone today and tomorrow is obsolete or no longer being supported.

        Food for thought… Food for thought.

        1. That iphone keyboard has 2 R’s. FAIL

    2. Yes and how dare car manufacturers have different colors, 2 doors, 4 doors, stick, automatic, sedans, coupes ……. And we should all have 50 inch TVs because thats just top tier.

      1.  Wow, amazing comparison. NOT
        Really? Cars and smartphones are sooooo alike.

        Ahh forget it, I wont bother with this…

  15. Just got a stratosphere for my wife. She liked the keyboard a lot better than the droid 3. The only thing it is missing is a dual core processor, but it is still quite snappy.

  16. nexus will be pushed back, or release silently.

  17. I’ve had a Droid 3 since it came out, so I can’t help feeling a bit screwed by Verizon. 4g LTE is still not available at my home or office yet though, so as long as Verizon doesn’t ignore the D3, I guess it’s no big deal. The screen is the same size, but the Super AMOLED is an upgrade.

    1. Super Amoled is oversaturated though

  18. I’m sorry but IMO the only device even worthy of the name “DROID” was the original OG Droid.

  19. Bomb diggity. That douche doesn’t know what he’s taking about. 95% of Sammy owners regret their purchase based on hardware failures. Dont expect any more from the gnex, its already having hardware errors they have to work software around. I’m not a huge Motorola fan, but support women having nails needing a physical keyboard. I loved my physical keyboards on my touch pro and touch pro 2, but that was before capacitive screens. :)

  20. I like the keyboard.

  21. They release droid sliders WAY too quickly. I call B.S.!

  22. Would have been cool if they would have kept with stock Android for the Droid series.  Would be nice if the Droid 4 was the first ICS slider phone.  IMO of course.

    1. I completely agree. I hate Verizon and the “Droid” name, but I do think it would be quite a bit better if they would’ve kept the AOSP thing going. I hate motorblur as fuck.

      Oh well, good thing I’m on T-Mobile and get all the best HTC phones :D

      1. LOL!! best HTC phones Bwahahah No such animal!! HTC phones are squeeky creaky CRAP!!  And your on T-Crapple as well!!
        OMG i am SOOOOO sorry!!*wiping tears away*

  23. Everyone knew they would replace the droid 3 very quick with lte. If I buy a droid 4 ill bug it knowing a new slider will be out very soon. That’s why I didn’t buy a droid 3. I almost did. Funny even though moto has all these phones they still update them faster than Sammy.

  24. Another Moto device with a non-removable battery and a locked boot loader. Fail.

  25. As long as there is a hard reset im good with it. I’ve never seen a Motorola battery go bad.

  26. Unfortunately, I have seen a Motorola battery go bad. But that was from a phone from about 1988, brick, green screen :)

  27. Samsung glide anyone

  28. I know alot of people love the expandable batteries and having an extra to swap throughout the day. I use my phone all day and my battery doesn’t need charged til bed time on my droid global.

  29. I had the OG Droid, then went to the Droid X and now to the Bionic. My brother agreed to buy the Nexus Prime and I’d give him the bionic and the difference because I never want to go back to a Motorola phone. Don’t get me wrong, the build quality is superb. I’ve dropped that Droid X on concrete once and nothing happened to it.  The buttons are failing now, but I should have figured that physical buttons were a bad idea.

    Long story short, if motorola keeps locking their bootloaders and not allowing me to put ROMs with custom kernals on my phone, I don’t want their phones.

  30. I really hope so.  When the Droid 3 came out, I really wanted it to have 4G.  Now it’s here with the Droid 4, and I want it ASAP.  :)

  31. Have a little compassion and give a discount to us Droid 3 Owners.

  32. I’d be annoyed if I had just gotten a Droid 3.  

  33. Most of us didn’t get the droid 3 because we knew this was going to happen. If I had to get a droid 3 id have been ok with this. I skipped droid 3 ill go from global to 4. And I wont be upset if a badass droid 5 is out in 5 o

  34. loving the look and keyboard.

  35. Verizon ruined the DROID line… they could have created a legacy of awesome devices… 
    My first DROID phone, was the OG Droid. Stock Google UI, was not to shaby on getting updates… the phone that put “droid” in Android. I hear people refer to non DROID branded phones as droids, “Do you guys have the new droid phone?”, and they are looking for like a samsung or htc phone on an ATT carrier…Any DROID branded phone after the OG Droid, was just not the same… as many have pointed out, the BLUR is what killed the Motorola DROID branded phones… and other manufacturers UI are also cause for excessive delays for OS updates…But the most devastating blow to the DROID line of phones, is Verizon’s death choke of uninstallable BLOATWARE, and its stand on locked boot loaders…Oh Verizon, you could have had the best line of phones of any carrier dubbed DROID, if you just followed what you did right with the OG DROID… Guess you never heard of the saying, if its not broken, then don’t fix it.

  36. VZW you are truly pissing off your loyal Droid customers who have supported you from the start. I just upgraded to Droid 3 when it was released and this is how you reward me. You continue to devalue my hard earned money but consistently releasing new renditions of phones. I would have been more than happy to wait for a 4G LTE Droid instead of you doing what you are about to do. I am seriously considering moving my family’s cell phone service when our contract is up. You don’t treat customers like this.

  37. no global no go.

  38. I’m surprised that so many people are clamoring for their phones to get bigger; I’m kind of happy that they’re reeling it back in a bit.  In theory, it should even help battery life quite a bit, not having to light up as big a screen.

  39. Motorola Droid 4 or the Samsung Captivate Glide would be the current best physical QWERTY options.

    -Droid 4 better with its 5 row QWERTY.
    -Droid 4 better with its FM radio.
    -Droid 4 has a 1785 mAh battery.
    -Droid 4 has 16GB storage.

    -Captivate Glide is lighter.
    -Captivate Glide is Tegra 2 based, advantage Tegra Zone.
    -Captivate Glide has a 1650 mAh battery.
    -Captivate Glide has 8GB storage

    This is all on paper of course, lets hope they perform well in the real world.

  40. What will be the expected price of this smartphone in the market ?

  41. I liked the combination of “Qwerty” as well as “Touch Screen” in one Smartphone.

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