
Atrix 4G, XOOM Coming End of February, DROID Bionic & LTE XOOM Beginning of Summer


Sanjay Jha just said in Motorola’s earnings call that both the Atrix 4G and the Motorola XOOM tablet would indeed be arriving at the end of February – lining up with rumors we’ve heard before. Unfortunately, the DROID Bionic isn’t expected to see a release until the end of the second quarter, meaning summer will have kicked off by the time this thing roles around.

It makes me wonder why they announced it so far ahead of time, but who am I to question? An LTE version of the Motorola XOOM is also expected to make its debut around that same time, so those of you getting ready to preorder the one coming up might want to hold off. At least it gives a few of us extra time to save up our pennies because we still expect to be shelling out upwards of $700 for it. [via Engadget]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Why would the weaker Droid Bionic come out later then the more powerful Motorola Atrix 4G

  2. Whelp, Thunderdome for me then. Too impatient to continue on with the Eris.

  3. It comes out later because Verizon is no longer Motorola ‘s baby.

  4. Or actually, Verizon is no longer Motorola ‘s pimp. Motorola should be smart and shop their ultimate line to everyone like crapsung has. Also, I think the reason Verizon doesn’t want an Android beast on their lineup is because they want people excited about their new whore, crapple!

  5. Motorola: I know why you’re here, George. I know what you’ve been doing… why you hardly sleep, why you live alone, and why night after night, you sit by your computer. You’re looking for it. I know because I was once looking for the same thing. And when it found me, it told me I wasn’t really looking for it. I was looking for an answer. It’s the question that drives us, George. It’s the question that brought you here. You know the question, just as I did.
    Neo: What is the ATRIX?
    Trinity: The answer is out there, George, and it’s looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to.

  6. Damn! I forgot to change one last Neo to George. Oh well, good enough I guess. I have no life. Lol

  7. Looks like I’ll be getting the Thunderbolt on a 1 year contract then. I don’t feel like waiting until June for the Bionic.

  8. I think waiting for a phone can lead someone to always be wanting, wishing, and waiting. Phones are outdating themselves too quickly nowadays. Just get something that’ll make you happy for now as wanting for later will always keep you wanting. That’s why I got the ns.

  9. Atrix on Sprint, please!

  10. I think I’m going to pull the trigger and get an VZW iPhone…ugh summer is too far away and my BB 8330 is on the fritz

  11. That’s exactly what Verizon wants you to do.

  12. Thunderbolt on a one year contract in a month or so trumps 6 more months with an Eris…

  13. Now IT’S AT&T TURN!! I can’t wait till end of Feb I have the most powerful phone in the palm in my hand!!

  14. enough with bashing iphone- grow up

  15. It is coming out later because it still has hardware upgrade. Or that is what I heard.

  16. I will give everyone my interpretation of the US cellular companies and their cell phone providers relationship:

    It is like I said before, it is like a pimp (cell phone provider) and a whore (cell phone company). The cell phone providers such as Verizon pimp out their whores such as Motorola or the Crapple I-Crap to make themselves money. They do this in the best method possible to increase revenue.

    At first, Verizon was againts Crapple’s I-Crap and started the “Droid Does” campaign. They made tons of money with it and brought the spot light to their two biggest whores, HTC and Motorola. In turn, both of those companies took care of their pimp and gave Verizon their best phones.

    Now, Verizon has forgot about all of the smack they talked, and have brought the whore (I-Crap) from another company. They see her beauty and want to make tons of money thereby going back on their heavily funded previously mentioned campaign.

    Now that leaves Motorola looking for a new pimp (AT&T). Both AT&T know they need a new pimp/whore relationship as Verizon’s new whore (I-Crap) will enjoy the fruits of facking consumers on America’s largest f-over network. That is why you will not see the best Motorola has to offer right away on her old pimp’s network (Verizon).

    This can be said for many cell carrier/phone company relationships. That is why you see Sprint having so few devices and T-Mobile trying to make up for not having a showcase whore by having many low end street walkers.

    All in all, unless cell phone companies get off their butts and sell directly to us, we will continue to be used by their pimp/whore relationship status’.

    Come on Google! Start making us some phones! You’re our only hope!

  17. I had heard xoom was upgradeable to 4g…..is that true? Our are they 2 separate tablets. I distinctly remember ces folks saying this was upgradeable. Anyone know?

  18. bigmerf, you must have read my post on phandroid. I will post here as

    well for those that didn’t know what you are refering to in your

    comments above.

    “I will give everyone my interpretation of the US cellular companies

    and their cell phone providers relationship:

    It is like I said before, it is like a pimp (cell phone provider) and a

    whore (cell phone company). The cell phone providers such as

    Verizon pimp out their whores such as Motorola or the Crapple I-Crap

    to make themselves money. They do this in the best method possible to

    increase revenue.

    At first, Verizon was againts Crapple’s I-Crap and started the “Droid

    Does” campaign. They made tons of money with it and brought the

    spot light to their two biggest whores, HTC and Motorola. In turn, both

    of those companies took care of their pimp and gave Verizon their

    best phones.

    Now, Verizon has forgot about all of the smack they talked, and have

    brought the whore (I-Crap) from another company. They see her

    beauty and want to make tons of money thereby going back on their

    heavily funded previously mentioned campaign.

    Now that leaves Motorola looking for a new pimp (AT&T). Both AT&T

    know they need a new pimp/whore relationship as Verizon’s new

    whore (I-Crap) will enjoy the fruits of facking consumers on America’s

    largest f-over network. That is why you will not see the best Motorola

    has to offer right away on her old pimp’s network (Verizon).

    This can be said for many cell carrier/phone company relationships.

    That is why you see Sprint having so few devices and T-Mobile trying

    to make up for not having a showcase whore by having many low end

    street walkers.

    All in all, unless cell phone companies get off their butts and sell

    directly to us, we will continue to be used by their pimp/whore

    relationship status’.

    Come on Google! Start making us some phones! You’re our only hope!”

  19. Dan, don’t delete post because people don’t like apple. Its freedom of speech and that is what blogs are for, right? Its a taste or preference thing. If I love America, can’t I say it? If I hate apple for being proprietary, can’t I say that?

  20. I don’t think Verizon has turned on Android. I don’t see them stopping their campaign for Android at all. I think the Atrix is on At&t is because they have never had a real Android device on their network besides Samsung, and if your going to convince people to leave their iPhones behind you need a device that can really bring the noise. The Atrix is everything an iPhone user would envy. Big screen, power, and a great laptop attachment. I love everything it has to offer. I am not sure why we are thinking of it as who pimps whom, but that is just silly. I hope the Atrix does well over on At&t and I hope the bionic or the Droid X2 does well on Verizon. Cause my hope is for a device that can really eat away at the iPhone’s dominance, and that can bring more devs to Android. Side note. Guys please buy from the market and don’t steel apps from sites. It only screws us all over in the end.

  21. Summer??!!
    Is it the time for IPhone 5 ???

  22. I want Sprint to have more Android goodness… I would rather go to Verizon just so I can still be kickass with a 3G phone… I got a Transform, the most expensive 3G phone on Sprint’s lineup and I get Samsung’s updating inconsistence and an 800mghz processor. I could be on Verizon with a Droid 2 or Droid X right now! I hate how Sprint is so great with their 3 4G phones and 3G just gets suckish phones now… I really hate it.


  24. I am happy to hear a time frame when these will come out. but for the love of god just tell us verizon the pricing on the LTE Phones. Geez!

  25. I officially hate both Verizon and Motorola now. I bought the Droid 1 the very first day it was available after months of waiting and anticipation. I switched from AT&T to do it. I feel betrayed by both firms. Kind of stupid and petty to hold a grudge against a company, but I’m human. There’s no excuse for launching the Atrix on AT&T ahead of the Bionic on Verizon. In fact, the Atrix should launch on both networks at the same time and the Bionic should go away.

  26. Will we seeing dropping call problems with Atrix too? Or is it with iPhone only?
    Any idea how much Atrix will be with contract?

  27. This is a stupid move by Motorola! I like many others am itching to upgrade my old school Droid to a 4G phone and doubt that I can make it until summer. The smaller non-Flash capable iphone is out for me, and the Thunderbolt specs just don’t excite me as much as the Bionic. Motorola will most certainly lose potential buyers to HTC, and Apple now.

  28. Well you whining crybabies at verizon finally got your little dream come Tru, You will be getting the I phone on feb 10th but that’s ok because us Att users are done with it we have done wore that shit out it’s old news(like an old girlfriend) so we shall be moving on to something bigger and better like the atrix and we will sit back and laugh again at you losers. Damn crybabies!!

  29. Verizon obviously does not want Bionic sales to cannibalize iphone sales.

  30. I don’t work for Sprint but some of you guys are really ignoramuses.

    1. Sprint’s most powerful phone IS NOT the Transform. There are 2-3 phones that are better. Specifically the EVO and the EPIC are both far better than the Transform. The Optimus may be.

    2. Sprint has an incredible phone selection. The notion that they do not is about 2 years too late.

    3. ATT’s network is ridiculous…regardless of their ads. Verizon has the best network. Sprint is second. AT&T is third. T Mobile is – somewhere.

    That’s it. I’m out.

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