
[Update] T-Mobile G2 Root Finally Permanent


Even though the G2 was quickly rooted, a bug prevented the method from sticking. (T-Mobile originally called this a feature, but Cyanogen called foul. Looks like he was right after all.) Since then, ingenious developers at XDA have come up with solutions to automatically root the phones every time it’s rebooted, and a one-click solution came along to make that process even easier. Now, full and permanent root has been achieved. The breakthrough can probably be attributed to the source code being made public by HTC.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

T-Mobile G2_Landscape

No one has posted the newer, updated method yet, but keep your eyes on your favorite rooting community as I’m sure there will be hundreds of eager users utilizing that F5 button how it was meant to be utilized. [XDA via AndroidSpin]

[Update]: Looks like the Desire Z and HD also have their root, as well. With that, project manager Scott Walker has committed new changes to the project’s GitHub repository and we should see this on its way out in no time. [via AC]

[Update 2]: And in no time, we shall. Here’s the link to the new method and the necessary resources in their entirety. [Thanks Chad!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. May have to make the jump to the G2 now.

  2. THANK GOODNESS. Much love to the devs!


  4. nothing like a good teaser in the morning. “we did it, but you don’t know how we did it :P”

  5. I hate T-mobile & Vanilla so much but I am glad to see this happen for other users!

  6. I’m so happpppyyyy.

  7. I knew it would only be a matter of time! Best news I’ve ever read on a Tuesday morning. I cant wait to finally root my phone permanently!

  8. so so happy! hopefully we get roms now :)

  9. Any chance this same approach can be used on the HTC Mytouch 4G?

  10. Only 5 weeks to get it perm-rooted! I said 3 months and hackers would figure it out. I’m loving my G2 and keeping it for the foreseeable future. This is a bonus and eases my fears that Gingerbread wouldn’t be available for it.

  11. That’s cheating the carrier and the builder! Rooting is the work of the devil!

  12. Maybe HTC will think twice about that source code now…im sure TMobile isnt happy.

  13. HTC finally let up. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. knew it was gonna be soon. Now u can call these 3 truly android phones

  14. Hallelujah! :D

  15. Does this fix the loose hinge?

  16. Lmao @ the loose hinge comment. Seriously though, that actually WAS a huge problem for me and it WASNT just a problem when you held the phone backwards. Terrible flaw. Shouldve had something to lock it in place or keep it sturdier. Just unacceptable and such a shame.


    bring on the Cyanogen

  18. @sam I am…rooting it has no effect on firmware updates. The G2 will be one of the first phones (after the N1) to get the next versions of OS, regardless of whether or not the devs EVER got it rooted.

    Seriously stoked about this news. Made my day.

  19. @bmg314: How far can the G2 go with updates? I’ve read stories about there being screen size and processor restrictions, and other stories that say there isn’t. Screen size is the same as the Nexus, and the G2 is way faster, so I’m leaning towards believing it will be updated to Gingerbread, Honeycomb, and possibly Ice Cream.

  20. Niiiicee… so my MT4G is next?? =D

  21. MT4G seems done as well. Here’s a guide: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=834225

  22. It’ll get the 2.3 update but no Honeycomb and beyond

  23. @JO
    Honestly i doubt it will stop at 2.3. Unless google makes honeycomb+ require major hardware updates to run on the phone. Which i doubt because that would be bad for business. and they are not stupid.

  24. I am glad there is a more semi-permanent solution, but please enlighten me on how re-rooting the phone every time it is rebooted is “permanent”. :-)

    Grats to all G2 owners!

  25. You might want to reread the sentence. It explained the sequence of events leading up to the most recent being permanent root achieved.

  26. Now, even much wanted Clockwork Recovery is also available. Play it safe by saving your ROM first before jumping to try out custom ROMs and all that stuff which would rain for G2 now!


  27. Looks like VISIONary’s pulled out of the market for the past few hours…. VISIONary Off the Market? http://t.co/Se9NTdR

  28. Niiiicee… so my MT4G is next?? =D

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