
Dell’s Amit Midha: 7-Inch Tablet Launching in Matter of Weeks


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Not so long ago we caught wind of a confirmed 7-inch Android tablet coming from Dell to fill in the product range between the Streak and an iPad-sized variant. The 10-inch tab won’t be hitting shelves for 6-12 months, but the 7-inch version will be coming to shelves in a mere matter of weeks according to Amit Midha, President of Dell Greater China. Also mentioned were 3 and 4-inch “tablets” (if you could call them that).

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While the 7-incher is most definitely an Android beast, the others mentioned have no confirmed OS and — for the largest one at least — may end up featuring Windows 7 as the OS of choice. Provided this thing really does get out before the end of the year, Dell might just make the Samsung Galaxy Tab buying decision a bit harder for those looking at Android tablets in the 7-inch range.

[via Gizmodo]

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  1. Again with the 7 inch screen? What a bunch of morons.

  2. Its a personal thing dude. Some of us see a tablet and wanna take it places, not just leave it on the coffee table.

    If you’ve never held and used a 7inch tablet, then I suggest you track one down and try it. Really comfy. Typing is really nice, feels just like landscape keyboard on a touch-screen device. You can just go nuts. Compared to the iPad, which I found horrible to type on.

    But of course, its personal choice. Some people want a tablet at home, some people want a big screen to watch things on, some people want etcetcetc. But seven inch is a great form factor, and considering just how many have appeared as if by magic in the past few months, I think the developer agree that its a good size to work with. Superb balance of portability and real estate.

    Particularly as as the 10inch tablets currently MUST have the same resolution due to Froyo constraints, and thus lower pixel depth, I think its a bit over simplified to just call anyone who thinks 7 is a good size a moron.

    Try harder next time.

  3. Great first Dell drops a 5″ slate running Android 1.6 and now they are dropping, hardware wise, a ultra powerful tablet running Android 2.1. REALLY? Hello Dell get a clue will ya? I’ll pass until this thing is rooted and has 2.2 running on it so I can see how a Tegra 2 250 is really supposed to perform as opposed to being handcuffed with 2.1. Idiots.

  4. I love the 7″ screen. To each their own. I expect a rooted 2.2 ROM in weeks after release. Any word on price or a wifi only version? I am guessing at least $500.

  5. I thought we were in the middle of a recession. Where is everyone getting the money for a 4″ smartphone, a 7″ tablet, a 12″ netbook, a 19″ laptop, etc. etc. etc.?

  6. MVTom, if we don’t buy the latest shiny, the country will slip into a depression. And then Sarah Palin and the Republicans will have won. For the love of your country, buy more crap now!

  7. The size of the tablet depends on what device you’re thinking about replacing. For me, I’d like to replace my phone with a tablet that has voice capabilities. So I want to size up from there and so 7″ looks really good to me.

    But if you want to size down from a netbook, then 10″ seems to suit your needs better because you’re thinking about replacing a 10″ or 11″ device.

    Apple’s view is that they want to replace small cheap laptops aka netbooks. From their perspective netbooks are low profit margin items and they don’t want to get in to that. The ipad uses mostly smartphone hardware so that keeps their costs lower and increases their margin.

  8. I personally would like a 7 inch Ipad. I think the Ipad is slightly too big and think the Ipod touch is too small. I think a half way point is a good idea. Especially if it costs less.
    But, in other side, the big screen ipad help me enjoy my videos on ipad. I am sticking with my iPad with so many vidoes. When I back home, I would watching all kinds of videos with my boyfriend. I think others will do the same once they try it and realize it is the perfect personal computer :-)
    So, I prefer the big screen ipad. By the way, To watch all kinds of videos and movies on ipad, we should thanks be to God, ahaa, just a joke. we should thanks to iFunia. this third party supplies the best ipad video converter so that we can save all kinds of vidoes on ipad.

  9. Dell , y do u keep pushing your crap with the Android OS
    Dell needs to focus on laptops rather than spreading their legs in the tablet space

  10. 7inch tablet must be full sim -unlocked & full 3g

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