
Rumored Specs for HTC Tablet Emerge, Tegra 2 Inside



Though HTC has been clear that they have not formally announced any plans for an Android tablet, last week a rumor came out that we could be seeing the device as soon as early 2011. Now Digitimes — the source of the original rumor — has their sources inside of Taiwanese device manufacturer Pegatron Technology spilling the beans again, this time revealing the specs of the device they are supposedly contracted to manufacture.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

According to their report, the HTC tablet will feature the NVIDIA Tegra 2 chipset, a 1280×720 resolution touchscreen, 2GB of RAM and 32GB SSD, WiFi, Bluetooth, and GPS. An estimated price based on build cost has been tossed together and sits right around $790. If this and other rumors turn out true the device will run Android 3.0 and be available in Q1 of next year.

[Digitimes via Gizmodo]

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  1. What’s the screen size? I’d consider a 10″ tablet, don’t see much point in the 7″ ones that are doing the rounds.

  2. Whilst this is a possible device I wouldn’t spend money on and definitely not that price tag. I want a 1024×768 screen. I want it in either 7″ or 10″. I am not going to buy some random half arsed screen size just because it has the same aspect ratio as my phone. A tablet is a different type of device IMHO.
    I have had a tablet PC for years and love it, if I replace it with a tablet it will either be another tablet PC or an Android tablet of the right sort of form factor. It sure as hell will not be with a gigantic smartphone.

    Other may love this and the news of it’s arrival. I can’t say I am impressed. If anything underwhelmed would be appropriate. At that price my greenbacks stay in my wallet.

  3. Here’s hoping for a Pixel Qi LCD panel, USB external storage support and a massive battery pack… Also, when will android get some form of basic bookmark sorting, folders or at least labels; if 3.0 doesn’t fix this embarassment, my money goes to HPalm…

  4. That is way expensive compared to what we’ve been seeing. I hope they pull out some great software deals and perks, because not many are going to pay that kind of money otherwise. Sure, the hardware sounds great, but we haven’t yet seen a need for that kind of power in an Android tablet, have we?

  5. also, I wouldn’t mind if they’d install the mini keyboard from the Desire Z in the narrower side of the device (if they distribute the weight accordingly)…

  6. It’s expensive but those specs are mad good really. They’re better or at least the same as most netbooks, but obviously in a smaller form factor. It’ll be interesting to see what the price ends up being.

  7. Expense is greater than the specs. It will not sell anything with the galaxy tab out there and many others. This will be another step backwards for HTC, just like the Touch Pro 2 if they do this.

  8. If I was to get an Android based tablet I would definitely go with a HTC one, as to me the SenseUI is way better than vanilla android.

    But this price is way to high for what it is. I know nothing is finalized and HTC still hasn’t even acknowledged this device but that price is crazy high in my opinion.

  9. @sansenoy. You sound like a sales person who only knows Android features from a comparison sales white paper. What the hell are you talking about?

  10. If the cost of this device is over $700 it will not be worth it for me. I can get a macbook pro refurbished for around $900. I guess the samsung tab will be my best bet since it may stay under $300.

  11. honestly i will not pay more than 400 for a tablet like that i’m not saying is bad but for that price i could get a really nice tablet/laptop with double the memory and everything else, last year i bought a HPtx2000 for $750 350GB of hard drive, 4GB of RAM, dual core processor at2.1 each and i use as my home computer, laptop and school work..I rather buy one of those Japanese made one for which sell from 100 to 300 bucks

  12. Hi all) HTC and android excellent combination) by the way, thread who knows something about, they say excellent service to earnings in the network!

  13. Why would it have GingerBread… Then Chrome OS should be out by then…. I belive a lot of this tablets that are high end will come with Chrome OS not Android…

  14. “I want a 1024×768 screen. I want it in either 7″ or 10″. I am not going to buy some random half arsed screen size just because it has the sameaspect ratio as my phone. A tablet is a different type of device IMHO.”

    Is this a joke. You never heard of 720p??? It’s one of only two HD standards. Why would you want a 4:3 display?

  15. @Mike
    1024×768 ain’t gonna happen. Video is a major use for tablets, and 4:3 is no longer the standard aspect for video.

  16. To be running Chrome OS or Android? I bet Chrome OS….you?

  17. I think Tegra 2 is going to be quite competitive. It is the first product on the market to use ARM Cortex A9 design. it will be interesting to see how Tegra 2 performs when it is used in smartphones.

    Here’s a nice article about Tegra 2 if you are interested in this platform:

  18. Id really love an HTC tablet over other brands, but I dont know if I can fork over that much cash for one. Here’s to hoping it isnt what it actually turns out to cost.

  19. If a Tegra 2 fits in a phone, why are they not putting a larger more powerful chip in to tablets. I guess I am being naive if some could please explain

  20. My laptop cost half as much and does twice as much. These Tablet makers have the game all Fucked up and if I cant get a $399 decent tablet by Spring time then I will be buying an iPad and get it over with. I’m sure it will be much nicer than these Holiday Android Tablets.

  21. Not that anyone is likely to ever read this, but that $790 would be without carrier subsidy, but I could see $499 with carrier subsidy on a device like this. I personally would love an HTC tablet, not even remotely considering the Galaxy Tab.

    I WILL NOT even consider a tablet, until they are LTE capable. I also have no clue why HTC and Moto would push these to 2011, considering many potential buyers are looking for last minute business tax write-offs for 2010. In my opinion, anything even remotely considered a business device, should be released in 4th quarter. Then you catch the holiday shoppers and those looking for a potential write-off before the end of the tax year.

    DarkDroid: How the hell was the Touch Pro2 a step backward for HTC? The BEST keyboard EVER put on a phone. If anything is a step backward, it’s the rumored Android with the 4-row keyboard.

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