
Manitoba Telecom Services Launches the HTC 6250 (Hero)


One of Canada’s regional carriers in Manitoba – Manitoba Telecom Services (MTS) – has taken their first step into the world of Android with the HTC 6250 (you might’ve seen this device in other parts of the world being called the “HTC Hero”). Their version of the Hero resembles what Sprint offered to their customers back in 2009 and is largely the same externally and internally.


There’s no word on what version of Android it comes shipped with so you may want to give MTS a call or walk into one of their retail locations to see the device for yourself and to gather more information about it. You can grab the phone for $99.99 on a two-year contract or $199.99 if you’d rather be free after 365 days.

[via IntoMobile]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I don’t understand why carriers are still going with this. There are far bettr low and mid-range android phones out there – even Sense ones (Wildfire, for example).

  2. Yes, stay away from this phone for that price. It has been abandoned by Sprint and HTC. It had better come with OS 2.1 and should cost less than $50 (although I do realize that the.canadian market may function somewhat differently). -sprint hero owner.

  3. lol, small cell phone company FAIL

  4. HERO is highly comparable to the EVO just slightly less performance but same for a small cell company this is a WIN…

    HTC HERO owner running Cyanogen CM6 2.2

  5. My hero is terrible,Bad Hardware,if there wasn’t root i wouldn’t know what to do with this phone

  6. @ JS,

    Canada is different in that 3yr contracts are typically offered instead of 2, but the subsidized price for the full-length contract is typically the same or similar.

    THIS phone at that price, is a very bad joke…. Should have been 29$ at most… the 99$ price assumes an off contract price of about 500$ which makes no sense for an essentially obselete, over 1yo phone that’s being abandoned by everyone else

  7. @PhoneDog

    Thank you! LOL where do these nitwit, uninformed Hero haters come from. Haha…wowwwwwwwwww

  8. The Hero is a modders dream. I just got mine 9 day s ago. I am already rooted and running a custom, overclocked (710mhz) ROM. It has more features and better look that stock HTC and still is faster. Got mine for $50, which is a steal for what it is when tweaked.

  9. Thanks guys and my sincere apologies for.dumping on the.awesome Hero. Hear me average user of Manitoba: go ahead and buy the Hero because you can easily root and overclock it.

  10. how will i set my sd card so that all my downloads, photos and videos will go directly on the sd card? thanks. i just got my new htc 6250 android.

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