
Samsung Might Be Putting Android Into Their TVs, Too


For Samsung, the Android fun began with phones, but it certainly doesn’t stop there. Speaking to the Korea Herald on Monday, Samsung expressed interest in making “Google TVs” in the future. While they haven’t committed any development expenses to the idea yet, they’ll reportedly be watching closely to how similar TVs do on the market from their competitors – namely Sony, who’ll be teaming up with Google and Intel to bring out internet-connected Android-based home theater devices.

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samsung-google “We are considering (developing) Google TVs. We are examining the business feasibility of Google TVs.”

I’m not sure how exactly Android will be implemented into these devices, but I can’t imagine it’ll be anything as we know on our phones or even netbooks and tablets. Still, it’ll be interesting to see how they go about making these TVs and seeing the types of things we’ll be able to do with them with Android running behind the glass.

[source, via]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I’m pretty much expecting this to become a norm. I already have an LG LCD that runs on Linux. Why not take the next step and use a standard UI and compete with Panasonic (I believe its them) on TV’s capable of running apps. Then you also have an easy way of having remote control capabilities from handheld devices as well as streaming media. Android is going to seriously lead the way into another age of electronics. Sorry Apple…its not gonna be you lol.

  2. I can’t wait to get my “Google TV”

  3. I’m not sure how exactly Android will be implemented into these devices, but I can’t imagine it’ll be anything as we know on our phones or even netbooks and tablets.

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