
[EXCLUSIVE] Droid Incredible Pre-Order Begins April 18th! [UPDATE]


In 4 days, you can secure the HTC Droid Incredible (formerly the HTC Incredible) for yourself by preordering it online! We got our confirmation of a release date yesterday, but now you can feel that much better that you will for sure have your Droid Incredible paid for before it hits the streets.

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We got our hands on a section of the official Launch Package recently that goes in-depth with the phone’s specs, features, and even what you’ll be getting inside the box. The contents aren’t too exciting, but at least we can confirm that you won’t be getting a microSD card with the phone itself (you can thank the whopping 8 gigs of internal storage for that one).

Version numbers, SKU numbers, and all types of numbers galore! They make me happy and they should make you happy. Keep your eyes peeled to Verizon’s site Monday, April 19th where we should see the pre-order form for this thing open for business. The only downside is that those 10 days leading up to the launch of the phone will feel slower than they’ve ever felt.

Be sure to head over to the Official HTC Incredible thread over at AndroidForums.com to thank Anonimac and the entire community for constantly bringing us Phanjoy!

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Why, oh why, must my contract go until May? Curse you, contract. CURSE YOU!

  2. this phone is hot…too bad I am not eligible for an upgrade since I brought the Moto Droid last november…oh well, at least I’ll be able to upgrade come this November (annual upgrade) and I’m sure by then there will be another Android phone that will outdo this one…

  3. What luck! My “new every two” upgrade date is the 19th!! SWEET.

  4. On viewing of the image, do they always advertise “Google Over The Air Updates” as a feature? I’m wondering if they would even bother to advertise it if they weren’t planning on quicker updates with each subsequent release of Android…

  5. They let you upgrade a month early. Will online pre-orders be delivered on the release date?

  6. Can anyone explain how the delivery of online preorders goes with Verizon? If the delivery would be later than the 29th I may just go to the store.

  7. Is this pre-order through Verizon itself?

  8. I second Phil’s question. Anyone?

  9. You should receive on the 29th. VZW offers free overnight shipping so they will ship it out the 28th.

  10. Does this thing have an HDMI out on it like the EVO? Am I missing it or do you think it has no HDMI?

  11. Interesting that it say it is a Google experience device but it also has Sense UI.

  12. If only it had a 4.3 inch screen and could support a 32gb microsd card! Guess I have to wait till June.

  13. I’ve only been with Verizon since the end of last year, so I don’t know how the upgrades work. Can someone tell me if I will be able to upgrade from my original Blackberry Storm (that I bought on ebay, not from them)to the new Incredible? I’m fine with signing a new contract, but will there be a charge? To me, “early termination” sounds like it should only apply if I’m canceling service all together. Do I have to pay just to get a newer phone? Thanks in advance guys.

  14. I’ve had a ton of early renewal offers and my contract isn’t up until July 12th. I’ll be pre-ordering, renewing, and picking up the DI on the 29th.

  15. Is the Incredible basically the Nexus One? Or, does Verizon still plan on selling the Nexus one later?

  16. @Ben at least you won’t have to roam to actually use it though.

  17. Oops. Just so you know, #11 Bill is different from #9 Bill. I’ll change my name from Bill (#11) to Bill_J

  18. @ Paul T- if you go into a verizon store and tell them you would like to update they will more than likely approve it… This happened twice with me. Most recently when me and my husband both wanted Droids. We got them from best buy but the rep spoke with verizon on the phone and got my husbands updated 2 months early (at 18 monhts) No extra fees or anything. Give it a try

  19. I got a name: htc crapTastic!

  20. Do all adroid phones have access to 3rd party apps without hacking the phone

  21. Just ordered my new Droid Incredible through Customer Service, and they confirmed the pre order date is the 19th, and will ship as inventory allows. I have been in a battle with them over 4 Storms going south, and this is how they solved it. Yay Me! Yay! Big Red!

  22. so where would be a cheaper place to buy this phone, is it Best Buy or Verizon? Providing no contract or 1 year contract

  23. iHeart_Android – thank you for the tip! I have two friends who are managers for retail Verizon stores, and one of them told me I was out of luck. But, this was in February. I’ll give it another try, I had no idea that was even possible. :)

  24. @Paul T. I called Verizon about a month ago and said I was wanting to upgrade my phone but that I couldn’t get the upgrade discount for another month. They instead moved up my renewal date just like that! Call them and ask, can’t hurt! I thought this was going to be released at CTIA so i wanted to be ready. Seems that was premature, but still glad I’ll be able to preorder :)

  25. hell yea, I’ll be getting two incredibles. one for me and one for my wife.

  26. No video camera!!!!! I don’t like!

  27. My contract goes up April 23 =) This is EXCELLENT.

  28. @Emmett B it does have video recording.

  29. @Emmett B just not at 720p

  30. Finally I can say good-bye to my original I-Phone and better still- to AT&T.

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