
Rumor: Motorola May Be Bringing Us A Square ‘Droid With MOTOBLUR


Many of us have been wondering what Motorola’s next move would be. After the Motorola Cliq, their flagship Droid, the underwhelming Devour, and the quirky Backflip on AT&T, we’re patiently awaiting a new phone announcement. The wait might be over soon, though, with the latest funky looking picture to come splashing out of the rumor mill.

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John Walton – of PhoneDog fame – received a tip about someone’s friend’s dad’s son’s friend who supposedly got their hands on a blocky-looking handset sporting MOTOBLUR. The story behind how this photo came to light is very reminiscent of a big fake lie, but check out the image to the left and the quote below to draw your own conclusion:

“My source says his buddy’s dad works for Motorola and let his son take the phone to school, who, in turn, lent the phone to my source to be used as a calculator on a math test.”

Yea, I’m just as skeptical as you are right now reading this.  At first glance, this looks like a sure-fire legitimate device, but check out the area where the arrow for the app drawer normally is: I don’t know about any of you, but that looks nothing like the MOTOBLUR I know. Also, if you want to be picky, the on-screen widgets don’t look very convincing (especially considering the very ugly font being used to display whatever information should be showing up there).

I could be wrong, however, and this device could actually exist somewhere in the wild. The actual hardware does present some Motorola-esque overtones, and it would take a good amount of work to craft something in Photoshop that looks this believable. On another note, it’s entirely possible that this  could be an old prototype of Moto’s first MOTOBLUR offering (which could probably explain the unfinished-looking UI).

Let me stop grasping at straws, though. If you want to check out the original post, you can’t: John was asked to remove the post by the original tipster. What about you guys? Do you think this mystery device is real? If so, what do you think it could be? Voice your opinion in the poll below, and be sure to leave a comment with your thoughts for good measure!

[Thanks, AndroidGuys]

[polldaddy poll=3040409]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Looks more like a Speak & Spell v2.0.

  2. Ditch the keyboard, and I’m sold.

  3. Why would they let a kid use a cellphone as a calc on a math test? lol.

  4. The res. appears to be 320×320, which is not acceptable for Android 2.1.

    4:3 might work if the res. were higher, but this design looks like a gimmick that should be reserved for regular cell phones, which don’t need tons of pixels.

  5. That’s not unfinished UI, hardly. That’s what 2.1 on MOTOBLUR looks like. They call it “MOTOBLUR 1.5” if you care to know.

  6. The only problem i see with thinking it is an old prototype is that it is running 2.1. It has the pond live wallpaper running. I think more likely it is a current prototype to get sense running on 2.1. I could see this being a real device or a photo shop. But old prototype dosen’t seem likely

  7. Who cares what it is, it’s UGLY AS HELL.

  8. Ah, I hadn’t noticed the pond-ripple live wallpaper.

  9. It doesn’t look like a photoshopped screen, but that’s a strange looking phone. I will not guess if it is real or not because I’ve seem some strange looking ohones over the years. If it is real, I think the guy who gave an unannounced phone to his kid is going to be looking for work. Poor judgment, I would say.

  10. Could this be a very VERY early prototype of an iPad competition device from moto?

  11. Looks like someone took an iPhone and shortened it….then added the wall paper off of the N1. Something definitely smells fishy.

  12. Well… Android doesn’t need to be used exclusively as a smartphone. This may be a featurephone, with several items put in here stock and no access to the market. Like how HTC is making dumbphones with HTC Sense and Friend Feed…

  13. Even for a feature phone this thing is UGLY. I mean really frickin’ ugly.

  14. I just threw up! That looks like some made in China knockoff device. Hideous.

  15. Seems to be a real Photo. Look at all the Details, the mirroring Lamp, the Edges on the Phone, single Keys and so on. I do a lot in Photoshop, but if this Image is a Photoshopped one, I wouldn`t believe it.

  16. @Darkseider Why do they even make devices like this? Ugly as heck.

  17. It DOES look to have 5rows of keys that everyone around here seems too be craving. Yay dedicated number

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