
Motorola Droid Launching November 6th


We already told you the Motorola Droid was going to launch on November 6th when a Google Search seemed to list that date in Verizon ads for the Droid. But they pulled the ad quickly and hardly anyone has picked up on the happening. Well we just posted about the BGR Preview and hudman5 in the comments made an interesting one:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Full page ad in the San Diego Union Tribune newspaper this morning says 11-06-09.

So we followed up, and like a champ, hudman5 came through with the goods:


It should still be written in pencil but you can chuck your eraser in the trashcan. I doubt you’re going to see anything different than a Nov. 6th launch date or order date or whatever. Told ya so!

Thanks Hudman5! I guess the classic printed newspaper DOES still have a purpose ;)

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

Motorola Droid Previewed

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  1. Exactly a 2 wk wait. woohoo, plenty of time for the money saving for full retail if thats what im forced to do

  2. It’s also worth noting that those who are anxious can grab one of these puppies on Oct. 29th for the small sum of $1,000. *cough* SCAM *cough*


  3. I just saw the price for Verizon’s Data plan for 2 lines : starting at $120! What a RIP!

    I know the droid is very tempting, but does anyone else see the ‘screwing over’ feature of their plans? Compared to sprint’s plans it seems overpriced.

  4. is this a real article lol? not that i dont believe the date, it just looks suspicious

  5. @siby – Are you seeing something different on sprint? Their smallest 2 line plan with unlimited data and messaging is $130. The only difference I can tell is that Sprint has more minutes and an unlimited mobile to mobile (which I will admit is a pretty big deal). Are you finding a different way to get two lines and unlimited data from Sprint?

  6. Where did you see $120 for 2 data lines?

  7. @siby Welcome to Verizon’s plans. I am assuming you are looking at the family plan connect. This isn’t likely what you could get with this phone, they will make you pay for a $30 smartphone plan along the normal plan. Then again, no one knows how they will classify this phone.

  8. Nevermind I see it. I think thats pretty average isnt it?

  9. Siby – I agree price is out of hand. But in south jersey, its the best coverage. I make several on-site calls a day for work. Never a problem with signal.

    I need to look for stuff to sell for my yard sale. Just in case it’s not $200 with 2yrs. :)

  10. Yard Sale! Everything MUST go! 11-05-09

  11. @JasonLee I tried to find it on there website under advertisements but no luck. Its for real It was in the first main section (which I usually don’t read)and I was surprised to see it as well.

  12. @SlaveUnit – I was talking about under Family Plans, the plan under the header “Connect Plans” is “Starting at
    $119.99 / 2 lines”

    Only 700 minutes, and no unlimited Mobile to Mobile. That’s the only difference I can tell between VZW and Sprint.

    @Jon Mayer – You may very well be right. I’m on VZW now, but I have a dumb phone, so I don’t know what the plan will actually be priced. Which is why my first post was phrased as a question.

  13. Just went through an existing smart phone, and the cheapest reasonable plan I could get was $130, and I wasn’t thrilled with the features. I’d likely need to go to $145 to be happy with the featureset for both lines…and that’s assuming only 1 smartphone on the lines. I see what you mean now about the VZW gouging.

  14. @mythin I too am on Verizon and have a family plan with two lines. The connect plan is a good plan as long as you know a lot of people on Verizon. You still get unlimited mobile to mobile, unlimited text, unlimited data. The only bad part is Verizon makes things difficult with smart phones. You cannot have a smartphone plan added to the connect account, it must be the standard family account and only the main line gets the smartphone unlimited data plan. I’m hoping this changes because I’m going to have to downgrade my plan to get this phone… which I will do for this phone :) I just hate their strange data plans and how they can be added.

  15. *I meant mobile to mobile within Verizon network*

  16. I have a samsung omnia on verizon. 59.99 for 450 minutes and unlimited texting/picture messaging and 29.99 for unlimited data. what the other one is is for push email like connecting to an exchange server or something. Since I just have it log in to check my gmail etc I don’t need that. Honestly that’s about the same I would pay for an iphone on AT&T only difference is no rollover minutes but that doesn’t matter to me since everyone I know is on verizon.

  17. T-Mobile just released by accident Project Dark, 60 bucks for a great package, will droid be unlocked?

  18. How exactly does going from a family connect plan with 2 lines to something for the droid work? Do you have to basically split the lines apart and get separate plans, one PDA and one regular?

  19. @fred: doesn’t matter if Droid will be unlocked. It’s CDMA and T-Mo is GSM, so they’re not compatible.

  20. It’s T-Mobile and ATT&T that use the same frequency.

  21. @phwaap You can split up the Family Share plans and have a Connect plan on the primary and a Basic/Select plan for the secondary (or vice versa). It changes up the pricing a bit, but it’s doable (and done frequently might I add).

    @Jon Mayer Yes you can. You may have to call customer care to do so, but you can have a BB/Smartphone/whatever on a Family Share connect and (as mentioned above) split up the plan.

  22. Jon Mayer – I work as a third party dealer, and as far as Smart Phones and their price plans go, Verizon = AT&T. Verizon does have the advantage of the network and coverage, though…

    The $120 figure that is being tossed around is most probably for the Connect or Premium plan, which is only for normal phones. These plans are not available for Smart Phones or Blackberry devices as they have a special data plan. You’d get the Basic or Select plan, then add Data for $30 per line.

    Sprint has always been a little cheaper, in a way. They tend to bundle features together and charge less for them than The Big V or AT&T would separately. Their coverage leaves something to be desired, but if you can get past that, their plans ARE cheaper, and their customer service is great. I almost considered switching and getting the Hero, but there is NO way now that the Droid is on the way. ;)

  23. Note: What Big Red said is true, as well. On Connect and Premium plans, you have the option to have lines 3-5 on Select, in which case you’d simply add Data at $30 per line.

  24. Will an unlocked droid be able to work on the cdma sprint network?

  25. but whats the point of getting a VZ Connect plan if you are going to add a $30 Data per line anyways..sounds like they are charging you twice. Hardly worth the deal. The Moto Droid looks like its gonna have a basic android interface …no Sense UI type modification or BLUR for that matter. VZ has always been great at marketing and their Droid:Eris is probably nothing but the Hero with another costume.

  26. Well, I’ve had the htc dream for a year plus now, long enough for the military to see what it can do, and I must say I am impressed. Hopefully with a larger market aside from a group of ten or so there will be more innovations to come. Maybe one will “get lucky” and get a mil spec g1 . Tmobile has the best g1 right now, motorolla is too far behind even though they work together.

  27. The fact that the droid will be revealed, if not released on 11/6/09 is correct. i actually took the time(thank god for insomnia….) to decipher the iDroid campaign page’s counter. as of right now, it’s set to be 14 days(which would land on the 6th) some odd hours and some odd minutes and some odd seconds… but the fact that that ad says 11.06.09 and that just happens to be 14 days away from today… :) yeah. CAN’T WAIT FOR ANDROID!!!!!

  28. the HTC Desire comes out Nov 10. so ive been told by the manager of the verizon store i go to

  29. This ad looks like it is referring to the second Android phone for Verizon, the HTC Desire. If you notice, there are entries missing from the droid does commercial – the physical keyboard and the pictures at night.

    Hopefully the Droid/Sholes/Tao/Whatever comes before the Desire.

  30. he made a point there…

  31. The counter on the website is actually set to expire at 12:00am 10/28/09, the same day VZW has scheduled a press conference – presumably to announce/reveal the Droid.

  32. Hey do you guys know if you can get this phone without a data plan? I like the family plan im on right now which has no data. All I want is a phone that is like an ipod touch with ability to get apps (android apps are fine), has built in GPS that is free (just like you would get if you buy a gps unit at the store) can get on a WiFi network to surf the internet, and be able to play games, store music and video/movies for playing with a good and intuitive interface. Id like it in a phone because i dont like carrying multiple devices to do all these things.

  33. I think it’s going to be available before Nov. 6th. They have other things waiting to come out so they need to release ASAP. I hope I’m right. I know there are other phones that are supposed to be bigger and badder but they will be even biggerer and badderer 6 months from now. I’ll be happy with this one for two years and trade it in at that time.

  34. @wraith: Sure you can probably buy an unlocked one for $600. The data plan is used to cover the extra $400 you don’t pay upfront.

    @darren: Extremely unlikely. Sprint and Verizon phones have never been inter-operable.

  35. my wife is an ops manager for verizon and i’m here to tell you…

    if this week’s overtime on her paycheck is anything to go by, android and its cell platforms are going to be extensive and sick.

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