
Rumor: Samsung Epic 4G, Transform, and Galaxy Tab to Get OTA Updates March 21st


Sprint is looking to upgrade all of their Samsung phones in one fell swoop if new rumors are anything to believe. It’s said that the Samsung Epic 4G would be getting another OTA – build EC05. Sprint was met with a lot of criticism after releasing EB13 for the device, but pulling it due to apparent issues in the upgrade process. They gave a quick apology and didn’t say anything regarding Froyo’s return.

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According to the documents leaked, this upgrade will add Sprint ID to the device, a feature announced at CTIA last fall that helps make device setup and customization easier for consumers and businesses. (You can find more on Sprint ID here.)

The Samsung Galaxy Tab is also expected to get an upgrade adding the same Sprint ID features. Most are hoping for Honeycomb, of course, but Samsung has never committed to using Honeycomb for their previous generation tablets. I’d advise you not to hold your breath on this one.

Finally, the Samsung Transform – one of three devices that launched with Sprint ID initially – will be getting a maintenance upgrade that adds a few enhancements. One of those enhancements is Swype. Sprint Zone will also be updated to version 2.5, if you care. We’ll be on the lookout for the updates starting on the 21st. (And if they aren’t out by then, we’ll already be in Orlando meeting with Sprint at CTIA. You can be sure this’ll come up in our conversations with them.) [via Android Central]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  2. Sprint rules android…. When was the last time…. VERIZON DID AN UPDATE FOR ANY OF THERE DEVICES… WATCH THE TOP LOSSERS REPLY… ksizzle9… John Clavis… tim242… Dj…. menshwatts… ron….. sqiddy20

  3. Seems like people are out for blood in these article comments.

  4. Also, “lossers”?

  5. I hate fragmentation on all carriers. This is why I will probably end up with a nexus s 4G.

  6. Sprint blow wrinckly pricks

  7. lols richard you such a fag, im sorry but you have to be like a 12 year old pre-pubescent boy who giggles when he types naughty words when mom and dad aren’t looking. please go play with your wiener in the other room and stay away from your parents computer.

  8. I got Sprint Zone as an OTA over my phone. I still can’t find value in it. It puts an “app” on the list to manage my account, view usage, etc… that takes me to a webpage. I already got that, it’s called the web browser.
    I’m looking foward to the Nexus S. Of all the apps that sprints puts on the phones, the only I use (every once in a blue moon) is Sprint TV. Would be nice to have, but wont be terribly sad if it doesn’t make it.

  9. Is there any good reason the Galaxy Tab needs Honeycomb?

  10. I’ve played with the Epic a few times and…I really liked it. Infact I can safely say that to me that phone is one of the best built Android phones I ever saw and played with. However it would be even cooler if it had a bigger screen. ..yup its really coolish despite the fact I wouldn’t leave Verizon for it…sorry little Richy…AKA The husband of Sprint and lover of EVO…Epic is even cooler than that EVO (AKA lover) of yours Richard Sprint did a good job the Epic got alot less complaints than the EVO.. .it manly had complaints about the lack of 2.2…other than that its one of the best phones of its time…wonder if the new one is going to be cool too.

  11. Oh and Covert…yeah I truthfully thought Richard was a kid…but if you look at his youtube you will see he’s a older guy…think he’s about 40 …which is sad because a guy that old…well, you would think he would speak in a more adult way…but no not Richy boy…he truly speaks…or I should say types like a 12 year as you say

  12. Sprint ID: I don’t want it either.
    sprint zone: yeah, and check the perms on it.
    too many apps (whether by corps, individuals, or the phone providers) have way too much tracking stuff in them. it seems like almost every app has “view phone state” and “full inet access”. even paid for apps!

    IMHO: “advice from an old tracker, if you want to find someone use your eyes”

    one more reason for meshnets!


  14. And one more thing I couldn’t care less if we have Sprint ID or not. TI-X on SDX will be making a nice stock Transform Froyo build thats deodexed for themes! Not to mention Vampirefo will be working his magic, like always. :)

  15. @nodnarb – I couldn’t believe when my PAID FOR internet browser app needed FULL INET ACCEESS, either. I mean, why would applications on a smartphone need to take advantage of INET ACCESS??!?!?? Personally, I wrap my phone in three layers of tin foil in order to keep the BIG G BROTHER from seeing what I’m doing on my phone. Unfortunately it keeps me from seeing what I’m doing on my phone also, but I THINK IT’S WORTH THE HASSLE TO STAY FREE, BROTHER.

  16. @ Richard, fyi Verizon just sent out an OTA for the OG Droid. Now your the top “Losser”.

  17. We could always say fuck it with Samsung and jump on the cm7 bus to support them? Gingerbread anybody?….I’m rocking it on my Epic….

  18. Richard, when you say my name, you say “MISTER John Clavis”, get it?

  19. Its still going to be an out-of-date update because of the flash player. They are releasing an update for flash to 10.2 and the Epic is getting 10.1. They should just push out 2.3 considering its coming out everywhere else

  20. Meh, Sprint ID will be ripped out of this build within a day of it’s push, if it takes that long. Root your phone, install root uninstaller, and rip it on out. Problem solved.

  21. I wonder if I’ll receive ota while i have eb13?

  22. OK it’s the 21st, where is my upgrade!. Off topic: updated to Flash 10.2(Epic 4g) n mobile web browsing has never been this awesome. Adobe FTW!

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