
Swype for Android Updated, Includes Support for New Devices and More


Before I go any farther, I must preface this news by saying the new update only applies to those who have Swype installed via the Android beta program. For those of you counting yourselves among those ranks, read on. The new update to Swype beta not only brings support for new devices, including support for the qHD display Motorola Atrix 4G, but also rids the software keyboard of that annoying hidden word tip dialog you might be familiar with. The full list of updated features can be found at the below Swype source link.

[Swype via AC]

Kevin Krause
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  1. I’m sure someone will provide the new .apk for those of us that are not fortunate enough to be in the beta, or to have purchased a phone with it on there.

    I still think they have a bad business model for this. They would certainly make a killing if they put it on the market for $.99

  2. Check Out The beta was open yesterday.

  3. Agreed…put it on the market!

  4. The beta is no big deal. You just sign up (ANYBODY), wait a few days and you’ll get your invitation via email.

  5. the installer updated but it hasnt updated my swype app itself.

  6. i’m surprised that nobody has brought swype to honeycomb or to make swype keyboards for desktops. people without limbs would benefit!

  7. @club Same here, checked the version on Swype but it hasn’t changed after running the installer.

  8. @phoebetech – I’m not sure I understand how a swype keyboard could benefit people without limbs (I’m assuming you specifically mean arms). How exactly would they swype without fingers? I think they have voice activated things for those without limbs anyways.

  9. I think @phoebetech was saying that people without limbs could use their nose to swype. I imagine the screen would get dirty quick.

  10. i uninstalled swype but not the installer. then reran installer – got me the latest version.

  11. I deleted the old version of Swype (not the installer) and then ran the installer…

    It came back that there was an update available and it downloaded the new version…

    So far, it seems allot better… but time will tell.

  12. They still don’t support French Canadian keyboard … They stuck monkey balls…SlideIT keyboard for me!

  13. Now have the latest version but still can’t find UK English on it!!! Balls

  14. sywpe sucks i hate it ….

  15. I used to really love swype but got frustrated when it got stuck on three letter words. The put, pot, pit situation. I updated the beta installer and switched away after it took me four times to spell roast. The gingerbread keyboard is really nice now. I’ll probably stick with that for now.

  16. Swype is the bomb. Swyped this.

  17. I’ve been using, or trying to use the Swype Beta for quite some time and have determined it to be absolutely terrible. The main issue, among many, I have with Swype is its propensity for becoming nonfunctional as far as the swype input is concerned. Since the app continues to fail, and technical support is all but non-existant, Swype has been relegated to the black hole of uninstalled apps and replaced by a keyboard app that’s actually worthwhile, SwiftKey.

  18. Can new version be updated on evo

  19. Wont “swype”on nook color. It does everything else, including tap out letters… But the swype action doesnt work.

  20. Noooo not another update. I hate it when Swype updates (the damn thing is working amazing and I can’t use anything else). Soon my Swype keyboard is gonna stop working and I am going to have to re-download the stupid installer and uninstall this version. Damn it.

  21. I hate that when I try to type better it allways comes up with beyer. When I try to to delete it the next time I use better it comes up with beyer. I know this isnt the only word that does this. I think swype should have some sort of place for users to report words like that so we don’t have 2 deal with them

  22. So they can provide support for the still-rare qHD display, but they can’t be fucked supporting a QVGA res display? Fuck that.

  23. Let me know when they get fix their suggested word dialog so it doesn’t take up the entire screen. Seriously every other keyboard has the words horizontally, smaller screen phones don’t work with this layout.

    I guess I’ll stick to SwiftKey.

  24. If you go on the site, it says that QVGA is added.

  25. When the swype no longer work on your device and you have to tap out the symbols it means there’s new a version os swype avaiable. Hope this information helped some one. GOD bless humanity and the Earth.

  26. Hey folks, community relations specialist for SwypeInc here.

    A couple of things…

    QVGA is indeed supported in the latest version.
    If you had problems with getting the right languages, try again. We had some issues where the wrong APK/license was being sent out but it has since been fixed.
    If you’re having trouble with word collisions (put/pit/pot) check out the “HOPPING” video at

    As for “people without limbs:” Did you all know that Swype started out as a text input method for the disabled? Research into eye- and head-tracking is what spurned the creation of Swype in the first place. In fact, we just recently acquired ANOTHER Guinness World Record, this time for touchless-text-entry. The method of entry was head-tracking to draw the trace path. Awesome, right?

    Thanks everyone! Hope you’re all enjoying the update!

  27. Well i love swypee!

  28. Can’t get Swype to work on my HTC Increditble. I had it working then it stopped. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the installer and the program. It’s loaded and selectable in settings (keyboard) but it doesn’t change the keyboard shown in applications requiring a keyboard.

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