
Skype Mobile with Video Ready For February 28th Launch; Verizon Only?


New evidence sent to Droid Life suggests Skype Mobile with video chat features will definitely be ready February 28th. It’s going to be a market update, too, so that might rule out Skype being the reason for the Thunderbolt delay.

The question I have, though, is will this be for Verizon only? We saw Verizon scoop up Skype exclusivity earlier last year while other folks were left with a not-so-good beta version. Everyone eventually got access to the new version of Skype Mobile.

Skype originally promised video chat would be out by the end of 2010, but that never happened. And they didn’t say anything at that time to suggest anyone not on Verizon would be left out.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Skype?
    i have a sneaking suspicion it’s going to be just as bad as the video quality with all the bugs of Qik (recently acquired by Skype)

    still, i hope it’s been tweaked and polished. it’s about freaking time they released something. seriously–
    Qik, Tango, Fring–all of them beat Skype to it.

  2. I don’t have high expectations for a company whose product quality is to put it bluntly, shit. Unfortunately I’m locked in because of forces beyond my control so I will have to try it out but limiting it to Verizon just pisses people off and I don’t see how the extra kickback from them is worth the PR disaster that goes with it. Although PR is definitely not their strong point either.

  3. When google talk includes video for android (possibly just 1 honeycomb port away) I think you’ll see things like tango, fring and skype kind of take a backseat.

  4. @ Austin – Yup.

  5. only if gtalk is able to make skype calls…. face it, most people that use video chat use SKYPE, google will be easy for phones but for connecting with the masses you will still need skype

  6. @ Covert – We’ll see about that, it’s easy to switch to gtalk, right from gmail. I think a lot of people will, me included. Skype is so bad at delivering product, fixes, even letting people know about their plans, how hard can that be?

  7. If it was actually skype and did not charge minutes it would be worth something. I want to have a smartphone with a dataplan only and use VOIP.

  8. I have been waiting for this. It would be a huge letdown if it was Verizon only. I don’t see why it would be seeing as how iPhone has had it for a while now…

  9. Also, skype is usable on iPhone via 3G in the states. Not sure why they restrict us from using it over 3G on android devices. Pretty ridiculous if you ask me…

  10. I can’t believe Skype keeps doing the same stupid deals with Verizon. That’s ok, though. We don’t need them when we have Google Talk video chat and apps like Tango.

  11. I personally know several people (with family abroad) that have prepaid dumb phones and are waiting for Skype Video Chat before they get a smartphone. If this comes through, I know what their tax returns will be spent on.

  12. Its funny how this site got its panties all in a wad and blamed the Verizon iPhone for the Thunderbolt’s delay when it was actually due to Skype. And Android user complain about iPhone users, sad LOL.
    Future Thunderbolt user.

  13. @stussmachine
    actually, the last article posted on Phandroid re: Thunderbolt delay was citing the iPhone return policy as the culprit

    this phone needs to come out already; Skype just got caught up in the potential list of reasons

  14. –crap–
    ^^why can’t i delete that comment^^

    forget i said it. ha.

  15. Steve,i have Nokia N900 from Vox Corp. Skype allready installed and i have exactly what you metioned.Smartphone with data plan,with Vox Mobile app downloaded.It’s $45/mo. and then i have skype credit so i can call anybody else don’t have skype.Makes very clear video chat to Europe(bare in mind ,it’s not perfect).Check it out

    P.S. Nokia N900 is not as popular as iPhone,but does it for me!!

  16. WTF! the iPhone gets Skype video and now we can’t even use Skype mobile VOICE over Verizon 3G!

    This is one long-time Skype fan abandoning ship.

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