A few weeks back we learned that the LG enV Pro was taken as a bust and cancelled by Verizon, but the latest whispers tell a slightly different story. Instead of launching the phone into a packed house of holiday releases, word is that Verizon and LG merely delayed its launch giving the manufacturer some extra time to polish up Android 2.2 for the device and have it on-board by launch. A noble effort, as by that time Android 2.1 will be more than sufficiently dated. It’s still a rumor for now, so if this five-row QWERTY handset is your dream phone you might just have to wait and find out.
[via Engadget]
Cancel this crap Verizon and get the Nexus S.
Not cancelled. The VZW launch kits just went into production a little over a week ago.
come on LG+Verizon. I’m going to keep my EnV2 until y’all bring a decent one to the table. My wife went for an incredible last week, but I love my LG phones, and I want another. It’s really time you picked it up and made a good run at it, and not crap like the cosmos (which my daughter got in September, which is worse than my EnV2, but priced the same now and mine was when I got it)
LG’s being left behind my motorola, HTC and samsung, and that’s a bit unfortunate.
I’m with jdog25. I want Verizon to get the Nexus S.
K’Tetch I’m with you, although I’m generally one to not make judgement until I’m actually holding something in my hands. I think LG makes fantastic phones hardware-wise (I’ve said this so many times I’ve lost count), so naturally it would make sense to couple great hardware and the Android OS into a high-end phone. Keeping my fingers crossesd for that day to come, and if it happens to have the same keyboard the Voyager had… I might just faint with joy.
The whole thing looks so generic. The env3 and touch were crappy “tweenie” phones, and like already mentioned, were blown out of thr water by moto, Sam and HTC. Scrap this pile of junk and focus on the good phones. For being Americas premier network, big red really makes me wonder why they do certain things.
all i want is a good android 2.2 phone with a good physical keyboard – i looked to lg to make it. im looking forward to this phone’s release
is this not the LG Vortex?