
Yogurt Maker TCBY Extends Congratulations to Google on FroYo


I wish more companies did this! The Country’s Best Yogurt (TCBY) – the self-proclaimed innovator of frozen yogurt – this morning extended a best wishes and congratulations to Google on their successful and exciting launch of Android 2.2 (FroYo). Alongside a round of applause and a cheeky thumbs up, TCBY’s original plans to gift the Googleplex with 600 gallons of frozen yogurt would’ve been the ultimate cap to this awesome story.

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Instead, they decided to take 300 palettes of sod and create a heartwarming message to Google in the 20 acres next to their campus: “TCBY Frozen Yogurt… We Think the NEw Android 2.2 FroYo Upgrade is Sweet!” Google did well to notice the message, too: why not take the trusty old satellites powering Google Earth and put them to good use? Thus, below is the end result.


Google’s got to be feeling mighty tingly inside after this. TCBY must feel even more flattered thanks to Google putting the spotlight on the Fro-yo they’re so passionate about. I have my reservations regarding the accuracy of the details on how they did this (Photoshop, anyone?) but it’s their story and we’ll run with it! Full press details ahead.


TCBY Plants Congratulatory Message In Field of Green at Google Headquarters

Salt Lake City, UT (August 4, 2010) – TCBY, the Country’s Best Yogurt, was entertained when it learned that Google was using food names for the upgrades to its wildly popular Android phone, which is selling at the rate of 160,000 phones a day according to TechCrunch. With Cupcakes, Donuts and Eclairs already consumed by Google’s earlier upgrades, the frozen yogurt innovator was thrilled to find out Google was taking a healthy position with its latest upgrade, fondly named “fro-yo” which releases this week.

To show support for Google and its own effort to increase the consumption of probiotic-based fro-yo in America, TCBY wanted to send to Google Headquarters (AKA Googleplex) simply “The Country’s Best Yogurt” to acknowledge the latest upgrade, which according to industry experts is loaded with new user features, new platform technologies, new developer services and new developer APIs.

Feeding thousands of employees at Google’s corporate campus was a nice idea, but TCBY wasn’t sure if it could get 600 gallons of its amazingly popular fro-yo past security without a meltdown. Knowing Google has an appetite for green initiatives including clean energy and carbon footprint reduction, TCBY thought of a better idea, a fresher, greener idea.

TCBY chose instead to plant (metaphorically speaking) 300 palettes of sod in the 20-plus acreage or nearly 450,000 square feet adjacent to the Googleplex and leave a congratulatory message that reads, “TCBY Frozen Yogurt…We Think the New Android 2.2 Fro-Yo Upgrade is Sweet!” An aerial of the before and after stunt was captured, of course, on Google Earth.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. That’s awesome. Need to go see it today.

  2. Would be better if you got free frozen yogurt by showing your 2.2 device, but this is a close 2nd. :P

  3. I really can’t believe you guys are a site for smartphones and Android OS, yet still don’t have a samrtphone optimized site.. kind of silly in my opinion.

  4. Sorry, I have to call fake on this one. The resolution of the text is much higher than the rest of the picture. Also, I can’t find the pressrelease on tcby.com. Spoof?

  5. Agree with post 4….this is total BS. Its pretty obvious that the picture is fake. A 2 year old could have done a better photoshop job.

  6. Looks like a page form “The Onion”.

  7. Fake? No way? Come on guys.

    Think of it as a press release poster, and then go to google maps and look for Google’s HQ, then you’ll have your answer. Oh hell, I guess I’ll make it easy for you.


  8. Love it!

  9. @Jason some images on Google Earth and Maps are as old as 2005, so that’s not an accurate way to call foul.

    But for the record, TCBY’s representative chimed back in with us to let us know this was indeed photoshopped. I added that blurb in the original article text.

  10. looks embossed

  11. Yeah…bad Photoshop, but cool nonetheless. :)

  12. Yeah, when i saw that i was like, p’shopped.
    The park across the way from google is far from flat! I believe it is a converted garbage dump.

  13. it looks beyond fake. no kidding it’s photoshop, it’s not even good photoshop. Why would you emboss sod?

  14. Does not appear on TCBY.com press release page: http://tcby.com/pages/page/press_releases

  15. @post5 ” DroidDev ”

    Show me a 2 year old who can use photoshop like that… lol

  16. It says “metaphorically speaking” right in the article. I think it’s cute nonetheless!

  17. TCBY should have a 10% off or so if you show your 2.2 phone. After all it’s all about getting people in the store. It would also depend on participating franchises.

  18. You do realize this is obviously fake, right?

  19. Nice job of sodding over the streets in the “field” across from the GooglePlex! That’s taking “green” to a whole new level. Nonetheless, I love the picture!

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