HandsetsTips & Tricks

3-Click Root for EVO 4G, Say What? [UPDATE]


OK, so you have been wanting to dive deeper into your device, gain root access, maybe install a new ROM, slide a few apps over to your SD card, and fidget with some other things…no big deal. But what’s that? You’re not quite confident in your ability to root your HTC EVO 4G without bricking it to go through with the hack? What if I told you that you could drill right down to root in only three simple clicks?

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If you are ready to go through with it, head over to this thread at XDA-Developers first to get the necessary goods, soak in that info, then hurry back. Install the program onto a Windows computer (sorry Mac brethren), and then limber up that pointer finger. Click one: open up root access. Click two: unlock Nand. Click three: Flash Recovery. And you’re done. That wasn’t so painful was it?

If you’re new to root you may want to head over to our Android Forums section dedicated to the topic to further expand your knowledge and understanding of just what exactly it does. We really don’t want you doing some serious pain to that nice new EVO, after all.

[UPDATE]: If you performed the recent OTA update provided through Sprint you won’t be able to use this tool to root your phone. I suspect it won’t take the guys behind it long to fix that, though.

[via Androinica]

Kevin Krause
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  1. I have not tested but I believe this will not work with the OTA from Sprint & HTC that started pushing on Monday.

  2. I wish this would work for the incredible =/

  3. No it will not work with new update.

  4. You are correct. I heard Toast is working on this though. Give it a day.

  5. This should be added to the article.

  6. will it work on the hero

  7. I used this to root my Evo and a buddy’s. It work flawlessly. :)

    Question tho: If we get a patch or Android 2.2 on our phones sent from HTC and/or Sprint will that auto unroot our phones? I didn’t think if we’re rooted we can get auto OTA updates from them. Is that true?

  8. @Kent: If it’s for the EVO.. why would you even bother asking if it works for the Hero? Go to the Hero forum and look at the rooting method. Good grief.

  9. They need something like this for the desire. The desire is htc’s flagship phone in Europe so I am surprised the xda Dev’s havn’t done something similar ? perhaps the Evo is a lot easier to modify ? Whatever, it would be nice to see it.


  11. why do you guys bring old news..sorry but this wont work if you updated your phone couple days ago..and ive used somthing esasier than this just on click of a button called “unrevoked.com” since i updated my phone it wont work any more but there working on it

  12. Unrevoked doesn’t work with everything.

  13. i’d cream my pants if that made this for the incredible

  14. unrevoked is a freakin joke and all they are doing is confusing people thinking they have root when they don’t just some hack around crap.

    I guess they have a custom recovery now but why people would load up some hack that the makers won’t even release the source is beyond me.

    toasts method is the only methos worth doing on the EVO.

    @Ian- I don’t believe there is too many developers on XDA who live in Europe?? Perhaps they are working on the EVO because they actually have the phone?

  15. C’m on, Phandroid. This is over a week old. How do you guys not browse XDA?

  16. QUICK QUESTION: If we get a patch or Android 2.2 on our phones sent from HTC and/or Sprint will that auto unroot our phones? I didn’t think if we’re rooted we can get auto OTA updates from them. Is that true?

  17. a quick question, why do you need to root your htc evo? What are the benefits of rooting? I might consider it if it’s well worth it.

  18. @Hillmie – Apps saved to you SD card, Wi-fi tethering, overclocking, Removal of unwanted Sprint apps.

  19. ^also battery life

  20. @Hillmie- I haven’t seen a rom with A2SD yet?

  21. what is the point of rooting your phone and what are the down falls/ upsides to doing it?

  22. So how do I use the wireless tethering without paying 30 dollars.

  23. how do you fucking root it

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