
Samsung gives us 7 reasons why bigger is better ahead of Galaxy Note 5 launch


note pen

We’re barreling toward August 13th, the date Samsung has chosen to show off some new goods. We’re expecting to see the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 and the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus launched, as well as the possibility of a new smartwatch to go along with them.

And now Samsung is teasing us that “bigger is better.” They laid out 7 reasons why they believe so in a blog post this morning. It’s not overly interesting or invigorating stuff — they tick off the obvious boxes of it being better for gaming, productivity and watching videos — but it’s interesting to see them dangling the carrot nonetheless.

We’ve recently heard a lot about the Samsung Galaxy Note 5, including the specs we’re expecting to encounter and a look at the thing’s press render ahead of launch. There’s a possibility Samsung has more surprises in store, though, so we’re going to be all eyes and ears come August 13th. You won’t want to miss it.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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