
LG announces new Google TV sets for CES 2013


The Google TV platform continues to struggle, but manufacturers like LG might be able to save it. The Korean manufacturer has just announced a new series of 3D-enabled HDTVs with Google TV integrated, and they are looking good! These come with a new design, more sizes and even more features.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

LG’s new Google TV sets will be available in 42, 47, 50, 55 and 60-inch form factors, bringing more options for users that were simply not satisfied with last year’s 47 and 55-inch TVs. They are thinner, the bezel is smaller and even the bases look darn sexy. These will also feature Google TV 3.0, which will sport all the recently announced features (like the new PrimeTime and Voice Search), OnLive compatibility and some other features that will come with LG’s custom Google TV UI.

The last part is actually big news – we haven’t seen custom UIs really expand in the Google TV platform. It could ultimately be good or bad… but with stock Google TV currently not bringing the most polished experience, LG just might be right about making this attempt.

One of the most interesting new additions is the implementation of “cards”. These highly ressemble Google Now’s cards, but they will be much more entertainment-oriented. LG mentions one will be able to see information about TV content, weather and they will even work as folders for Google TV apps.

The idea sure has much potential, but we will have to hold our judgement until the units are showcased at CES 2013, where LG will give us a first-look at two models (GA7900 and GA6400). Hopefully we will learn more about price and availability then, since right now those are anyone’s guess. We will be there to bring you all the news and details, so stay tuned for CES in the coming weeks!

I am definitely getting one of these bad boys, are you?

[via GTV Source]

Edgar Cervantes

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  1. I would love to have the middle model anyday over the other two. She is simply gorgeous!! Me want !!

    1. We will ask about price and availability for you! ;)

      1. While you’re at it, ask about the tvs too XD

  2. Hey, Isn’t that the Samsung model? Ah, they all look alike…

  3. Hey, do we have video footage of this announcement I’d like to watch that lady in that short dress (is it a dress?) walk around.

  4. Looks sweet! Side note… Am I the only one that sees the 100s of pics when Edgar posts? Kinda annoying…just pointing that out…happy holidays everyone!!!

    1. What are you reading the articles on? I think there is an issue when I post a gallery, but only with the app. I’ll change the code for this one, but it would be nice if you could let us know, so I can tell the devs.

      1. some people will always complain…whether u do this or do that.
        if it annoy you just ignore it. at least Edgar is putting in the efforts to write up the new articles everyday.
        anyways merry christmas everyone..:)

      2. Dude, do something about that near unibrow living on your forehead

        1. You kidding? I love it! It’s ma thing, bro! lol

    2. How is it annoying? They are thumbnails. easy to breeze past while you’re making non-comments down here. It doesn’t really hurt your bandwidth.. just your passive aggressive nature.

  5. Holy crap. Where is the bezel on these things?!?! And as weird as it sounds — I’m curious to see what processor these guys will be using.

    I have the previous LG Cinema 3D with Google TV and the Android part lags on it.

    1. All they mention is “dual-core”.

      1. Well that’s too bad. This should’ve used a quad core Cortex A15, considering it will launch well into 2013. The experience should be extremely fast on the TV. You’d think they’d put more focus on that.

    2. I’m surprised Chris, out of everyone commenting, had nothing to say about the girl.

      1. I surprised/disappointed in myself :/

      2. cause his gf is reading this ^_^

      3. Look at his fabulous hair style and his love for man purses! He has to be gay! :P

        1. no, i remember seeing one of his videos back in the G1 days and he mentioned her so he’s not gay, thank God lol

          1. I don’t think Chris has been with them back then…..

          2. lol Yeah i know that, my point was he has a gf. Not sure what being with phandroid has to do with anything.

            edit: chris has been doing videos way before phandroid if that’s what you wanted to know.

    3. Oh there is a bezel.. and I bet the service entrance hasn’t been touched. Oh wait, your’e referring to the TV. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

    4. Yeah the bezel is ridiculously thin. I have to say well done LG.

    5. Hell I can’t wait for the Samsung galaxy TV… doubt it will house the exynos 5……..or s some crazy insane miracle dual processors ;)

  6. can I haz girl?

  7. I truly believe that sometimes the readers here are horny 14 year olds.

    1. Aren’t we all?
      Aren’t we all?

    2. I truly believe stating the obvious negates your credibility to functionally perform in the real world. WHO CARES… They put azn models near their TVs on purpose. It’s been like that for years, and you’re now just commenting on it?>

      1. Please grow up and grow a pair.

        1. He won’t so don’t waste your time.

  8. I’m getting the girl instead :-)

  9. Plasma? Can’t anyone make a plasma Google tv?

    1. If Google TV was more popular, I am sure they would. But these companies have to go with what sells for such TVs, which is LED. Sadly, the only option for plasma fans right now would be to get a Google TV set-top box.

  10. “but manufacturers like LG might be able to save it.”

    If they can actually produce more than half a dozen at a time.

  11. Would be nice if this started being the default on a lot of TV sets instead of Yahoo TV gadgets

  12. How much for the azn eyecandy.

    1. So now she’s a whore?

      1. In the event that she is, we should know pricing details

  13. wow she is beautiful

  14. Any word on Miracast?

  15. Girls look more gorgeous than the tv’s.

  16. Hope the price on these is reasonable, I’m looking to move my 42″ back into the bedroom and get something a little bigger for the livingroom, and these sets look nice! And I am curious about Google TV too, wouldn’t mind trying it out!

    Oh, and since I guess everyone needs to say it so nobody thinks we’re gay, blah blah blah, the girl is cute, blah blah blah….

  17. Those fucking screens. <3

  18. DAAAYYYUUUMM!!! She is working that dress!

  19. That’s a nice pair…

  20. Google needs to get Matias Duarte to make Google TV as good as JB is

  21. these tvs look very sexy I would love to get one for the right price that is!

  22. Is Google ever going to make Google TV open source? Because it’s not right now, right?

  23. You know what’s funny. That these manufacturers try to make their UI’s as different as possible, but when it comes to hardware, they try to copy each other as much as possible, thinking they can differentiate after UI, because that’s how people choose TV’s – based on what the software looks like….

  24. to big for my room…

  25. Today I learned 90% of the people that come on this site are creeps.. Just go watch some porn.

  26. Ugh. I have never heard an LG TV that has decent sound, they’re all very tinny. Until that improves, I won’t be buying an LG TV

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