
Google Meet has a cool new feature that can reduce microphone feedback


We’re sure that we’ve all hopped onto an online group meeting only to hear excessive feedback from microphones. This is because some microphones aren’t great at canceling background noise. It picks up the noise from your speakers, feeds it back into the microphone, and it’s a never-ending loop. Google Meet has a new feature that should fix that.

Google has a cool new feature that they developed for Google Meet that could reduce or even eliminate feedback. This is through a new feature Google is calling “adaptive audio”. Basically it will detect if there are multiple laptops in the room and will then help synchronize the microphones and speakers to create a unified system.

This means that instead of a group of people crowding awkwardly around a single laptop, they can all communicate from their own laptops and not have to deal with audio-related issues. We wish this would work with remote meetings too, but it’s still a pretty cool feature nonetheless. This feature can be enabled or disabled as and when needed.

According to Google, adaptive audio will be rolled out to Google Workspace customers with the Gemini Enterprise, Gemini Business, Gemini Education, Gemini Education Premium, and the AI Meetings and Messaging add-on.

Tyler Lee
A graphic novelist wannabe. Amateur chef. Mechanical keyboard enthusiast. Writer of tech with over a decade of experience. Juggles between using a Mac and Windows PC, switches between iOS and Android, believes in the best of both worlds.

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