
Upcoming WhatsApp update will introduce a quality of life improvement


In most messenger apps, especially when it comes to group chats, there are profile photos for each person who is chatting in the chat room. Oddly enough, WhatsApp seems to be lacking that feature, instead relying on usernames, but that could change soon according to a report from WABetaInfo.

According to some screenshots shared by the publication, it looks like in a future update to the app, WhatsApp could introduce profile photos when it comes to group chats. This means that whenever you send or receive a message, it will become more obvious as to who sent the message, especially if in the group chat, there is more than one person with the same name.

Image credit – WABetaInfo

Now, this might seem like a small or trivial feature, but it’s one that many WhatsApp users have been asking for ages and one that we’re not sure what took the company so long to implement. There is no mention of when these changes are expected to be rolled out, but seeing as it was discovered in the beta, we can only hope that it won’t take too long.

In the meantime, WhatsApp has also started to beta test its Communities feature, which is a more organized way to handle group chats.

Source: WABetaInfo

Tyler Lee
A graphic novelist wannabe. Amateur chef. Mechanical keyboard enthusiast. Writer of tech with over a decade of experience. Juggles between using a Mac and Windows PC, switches between iOS and Android, believes in the best of both worlds.

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