When you’re a student, chances are you don’t really have a lot of disposable income available to you. Working and studying at the same time can also be kind of tough, and any money you earn you might be trying to put back into your education, so if you’re a student and want to save some money, AT&T’s got you covered.
Assuming you’re paying your own phone bills, you might be interested to learn that AT&T prepaid is offering students a discount where you’ll be able to save as much as $25 a month on your phone bills. This promotion will see AT&T prepaid knock $10 off 12 months of service and an additional $15 if they sign up for AutoPay, resulting in a savings of $25 a month.
There are some requirements to take advantage of this deal. For starters, students will need to prove that they are indeed students which they can do via the Student Beans website. Secondly, this is only valid for the $65/month Unlimited Plan that’s available online, so students will need to subscribe to this via AT&T’s website after they’re done verifying themselves.
Assuming students manage to nab the total $25 discount, it would mean that instead of paying $65 a month, they’ll only have to pay $40 a month, which is a pretty decent deal for an unlimited plan that offers unlimited talk, text, and data. Take note that students will have until the 30th of September to sign up for this deal, so if you’re looking to save a few bucks every month, then check out this promotion while it’s still valid.