
Samsung could expand their foldables lineup this year with a third model


At the moment, Samsung’s foldables lineup includes two series – the Galaxy Z Fold and the Galaxy Z Flip, but according to a report from GalaxyClub, it seems that we could be expecting a third model in the lineup this year.

According to the publication, they have come across three new code names – B4, Q4, and N4. For those unfamiliar, the B-series refers to the Galaxy Z Flip family, where the Galaxy Z Flip 3 had the B3 code name. The Q-series is for the Galaxy Z Fold, where the Galaxy Z Fold 3 was known as the Q3, which leaves us with a new N-series that we’ve never seen before.

This has us wondering what this third foldable model could be? Right now Samsung has a foldable that’s a phone-slash-tablet hybrid, and they also have a flippable model reminiscent of the flip phones from back in the day, so could the N-series refer to a model that might come with a rollable display?

If you recall, last year LG was supposed to make their rollable phone debut, but the company later announced that they would be exiting the smartphone market, which in the process pretty much dashed our hopes at ever seeing a rollable smartphone from the company. It is possible that Samsung could pick up where LG left off, especially since both companies are pretty neck-to-neck when it comes to developing display tech.

We did previously hear an interesting rumor that suggested that Samsung could be planning a new foldable phone that could fold both horizontally and vertically, but it is unclear if that could be the N-series model GalaxyClub discovered.

Source: GalaxyClub

Tyler Lee
A graphic novelist wannabe. Amateur chef. Mechanical keyboard enthusiast. Writer of tech with over a decade of experience. Juggles between using a Mac and Windows PC, switches between iOS and Android, believes in the best of both worlds.

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