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This is Oppo’s foldable-display smartphone

Ahead of MWC 2019, Oppo hinted that they would be hopping onto the foldable smartphone bandwagon by unveiling a foldable handset at the event. Given that foldable smartphones could very well be the revolution that the smartphone industry needs, it’s not surprising to see Oppo toss their hat into the ring.

More recently in a post on Weibo, Oppo VP Brian Shen took the wraps off the company’s foldable smartphone prototype. If you’re wondering why this foldable phone looks so familiar, it is because the design seems to be very similar to Huawei’s Mate X. Unlike Samsung who opted for a display on the inside and outside, Huawei and Oppo’s approach is by having the foldable display on the outside, where the folds to the back of the device.

There will also be a portion of the handset which is thicker than the rest of the body where the cameras and other components of the handset will be kept. It is unclear what kind of specs we are looking at since this is a prototype, plus Shen did state in his post on Weibo that Oppo isn’t quite ready to ship it yet.

Instead, the company seems to be adopting a “wait and see” strategy where they will only release it if they are seeing a lot of demand for it. So far the only companies at MWC who announced foldable handsets that are ready to be shipped are Samsung and Huawei, although neither products are priced particularly cheap.

Oppo isn’t alone in their “wait and see” strategy either as LG had previously confirmed that they too will be sitting out on the foldable phone trend until they determine if there is enough demand for it.

Source: Weibo

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