
Google bought Apple for $9 billion… or so says a ‘technical error’ by Dow Jones


Well, isn’t this just bizarre? A news alert strolling through the official Dow Jones system broke the news that Google bought Apple today. The sale happened for $9 billion, according to the alert.

But anyone with half a mind should automatically know this is #FakeNews. We’re not sure how or why the news was pushed through, with Dow Jones only suggesting that it happened due to a ‘technical error.’ We’re going to go with our initial thought of some news auditor trolling or testing something and accidentally pushing it through live.

Whatever the case may be, this shouldn’t have any lasting effects for either company, with most investors figuring out that this news most certainly wasn’t real (if it was, you better believe this deal would happen for a hell of a lot more than $9 billion, and any major transaction would likely fall under the Alphabet umbrella, not Google), and as such the stock price of neither company was affected. So if you see this headline anywhere, don’t panic: Google and Apple are still single.

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Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

PSA: Don’t download these fake apps on Google Play

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