
LG G6 global rollout begins


Folks in South Korea have had the LG G6 to themselves for quite some time now, and it’s high time that ended. LG has started the global rollout of the LG G6.

That officially begins in the US tomorrow, though many folks have already started receiving devices en masse. That said, there’s a whole range of other countries and regions set to get it, including North America, Asia, Europe, Central, and South America.

When all is said and done, LG will have gotten the device onto over 200 carriers in dozens of countries around the globe. Stay on the lookout for our launch coverage of the LG G6, including a review to let you know whether it’s the right device for you. For now, have a look at our early LG G6 camera samples and first word on how the LG G6’s battery life seems to be holding up.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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