
Googlers create a real-time voice messaging app that transcribes your convos into emojis


Guess what just came out of Google’s Mountain View headquarters? Another messaging app! Supersonic Fun Voice Messenger is the next app to debut as part of Google’s Area 120, the incubation arm where Google employees can work on their ideas for apps and startups.

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As such, this isn’t actually a Google app, so we’re going to let them slide on the whole “not another messenger” thing. Still, it’s pretty ironic that 2 of the first apps out of the thing are about communication.

So, what makes this one unique? It’s real time voice messaging between you and your friends, kind of like a walkie. Only, this app will also transcribe the messages in real-time for friends to see in case they can’t listen right away. And if that’s not enough, some words are turned into emojis for that good old personal touch.

In theory, it sounds cool and fun, though the early word is that it’s a bit buggy and sometimes has trouble transcribing text correctly. But this isn’t meant to be your most serious option out there for communication, especially since messages disappear right after they’ve been heard or seen. It’s something for funsies, so if you can get your friends on it and you want something different to try, this seems like a decent change of pace. Brownie points for this one actually being available for Android at the start.

Download at Google Play

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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