
Sony releases Android N Developer Preview for the Sony Xperia Z3


Well, how about that? Nexus users won’t be the only ones enjoying a taste of Android N before its formal debut. As they did with Android M, the company is now offering up an Android N developer preview of their own for those with a Sony Xperia Z3.

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To be specific, you must have 1 of 2 specific Xperia Z3 models:

  • D6603
  • D6653

And here is what you’ll need to do if you want to get it up and running on your device:

  • Connect your compatible Z3 device to a computer with a USB cable.
  • Xperia Companion will open automatically
  • Make sure you have Xperia Companion version 1.1.24 or later. If not, download the latest version from here.
  • Hold down the ALT key on your computer and click on Software repair on the home screen, then follow the guide.
  • You’ll be asked to disconnect and turn off your device, then to reconnect whilst holding down the volume down key to start the software flashing.
  • You can return to factory settings at any time by connecting back to Xperia Companion and following the Software repair

As always, note that developer previews are intended for developers. While you’re fully able to install it as a user, you should note that it’s not guaranteed to be a perfect or smooth experience, and as such isn’t suitable as a daily driver. That said, if you do come across any bugs you can always report them right here.

Sony doesn’t seem to be doing any customization on top of the Android N developer preview, though we expected as much. This is purely for developers with the Sony Xperia Z3 who can’t get a Nexus device to get an early start on making apps for Android N.

[via Sony]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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