
Apple’s new Bluetooth speaker has an Android companion app


Apple’s Beats arm has introduced a new Bluetooth wireless speaker to go into the Pill lineup. It’s the Beats Pill+, a $229.95 stopgap between the base model and the higher end drivers you’d pay more for.

beats pill plus 1

These Bluetooth speakers have slightly bigger size than the drivers inside the base model, so you’ll get a fuller and richer sound. It also boasts improved battery life at an impressive 12 hours (industry standard is 8-10 hours) and also bring a bit more lavish build and look. It’s the first design under Apple’s watch so there’s no surprise they wanted to make sure it looked like less of a toy and more like a premium music playing machine.

Of course, Beats now being under Apple’s wings mean they’ll have more of that classic Apple influence. An example of that can be found in its charging port — it’s Apple’s little darling known as the Lightning port, the first device of its kind to have one. It should give you full juice in just 3 hours of charging.

beats pill plus 3

Oh, and the cool companion app that goes along with the Beats Pill+ will have an Android companion app! It’ll let you change volume, pair devices and switch between audio modes with ease. You’ll be able to snag one from Apple’s site later this month if you’re interested.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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